제목   |  S. Korea slams Greece 2-0 in Group B opener 작성일   |  2010-06-13 조회수   |  28952
S. Korea slams Greece 2-0 in Group B opener
젊은 태극 전사에게 거칠 것 없었다
June 12, 2010
12일 밤(한국시간) 포트엘리자베스 넬슨 만델라 베이 스타디움에서 열린 남아공월드컵 B조 첫경기 한국-그리스 경기에서 박지성이 추가골을 넣은 뒤 기뻐하고 있다. [연합뉴스]

South Korea beat Greece 2-0 in their World Cup Group B opener, brightening their hopes of advancing to the second round for the first time in overseas tournament.

The South Koreans went ahead in the first half, with defender Lee Jung-soo netting a volley after connecting a free kick from teammate Ki Sung-yueng in the 7th minute to the cheer of 31,000 spectators at Nelson Mandla Bay stadium in Port Elizabeth.
In the second half, captain Park Ji-sung clinched the team's second goal as the Premier League midfielder snagged a pass from Greek defender Loukas Vyntra and outpaced two opponents to add another goal for his team in the 52nd minute.

Despite having employed a defense-heavy formation, the South Koreans didn't appear shy of launching a formidable offense against the 2004 Euro champions led by German coach Otto Rehhagel. Striker Park Chu-young came close to adding more goals for the South Koreans several times.

Since their first appearance in the World Cup held in Switzerland in 1954, South Korea has made it to the second round only once, in 2002, when they played at home.

Huh and his players have repeatedly made clear their goal to advance to the second round of the South African World Cup finals. The country has played in six consecutive World Cups, from 1986 in Mexico to 2006 in Germany. [Yonhap]
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젊은 태극 전사에게 거칠 것 없었다

자신감으로 무장한 젊은 태극전사들에게 거칠 것은 없었다.

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