제목   |  [Business] Next year, the US will export more energy than it imports. That hasn’t happened since 1953 작성일   |  2019-01-29 조회수   |  2125

Next year, the US will export more energy than it

imports. That hasn’t happened since 1953




Next year, the US will export more energy than it imports. That hasn’t happened since 1953



The United States, long beholden to foreign oil, is poised to become a net energy exporter starting next year.

Thanks to the shale oil and natural gas boom, the United States will export more energy than it imports in 2020 for the first time since 1953, according to a forecast published Thursday by the Energy Department’s statistics division. That’s two years earlier than what was previously expected.

And it won’t be a one-off achievement. The United States is likely to be a net energy exporter through at least 2050, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said.

“It’s a big deal. We’re not as reliant on foreign oil as we were,” said Michael Tran, managing director of global energy strategy at RBC Capital Markets.

The seeds for this milestone were planted by the shale revolution that began last decade. New technology unlocked vast amounts of natural gas and crude oil in the United States. Production of both skyrocketed, which reshaped the global energy landscape.

The end of the 40-year ban on oil exports in late 2015 really changed the game. [Republicans in congress championed the proposal. Reluctant Democrats supported it because in exchange they were able to negotiate an additional five years of tax credits for wind and solar power, which they are keen on.]  US shipments of crude have exploded since then.

According to the scenario the EIA thinks is mostly likely to happen, the United States should become a net exporter of petroleum liquids — oil and products like gasoline — after 2020. It’s a milestone that was briefly achieved late last year. For one week in November, US exports of crude oil and petroleum products exceeded imports, the EIA said. It was the first time that happened on a weekly basis since the EIA began tracking in 1991.

“US crude exports are wildly disrupting the global oil trade. And US shale continues to grow at an unbridled pace,” Tran said.

Fueled by shale hotbeds like the Permian Basin of Texas, the United States surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia in terms of monthly oil production last year. US output spiked from about 5 million barrels per day in 2008 to a record 10.9 million barrels last year, the EIA said.

The International Energy Agency said the 2 million barrel-per-day jump in US production last year was the biggest jump ever recorded by any country.

The growth is likely to continue, albeit at a more moderate pace. According to the EIA’s most likely scenario, US oil production is expected to keep setting annual records through 2027, and remain greater than 14 million barrels per day through 2040. …

Even though the United States is shrinking its reliance on foreign oil, it won’t be able to credibly declare energy independence in 2020. “You’re not going to be fully insulated from geopolitical risk or decisions that OPEC makes,” RBC’s Tran said.

That’s in part because of the makeup of America’s refinery complex, which requires a healthy dose of medium and heavy crudes found overseas. Refineries can’t operate solely on the very light crude found in domestic shale oilfields.

While becoming a net energy exporter is a “tremendous development,” the United States wouldn’t be “completely self-sufficient,” said Joe McMonigle, a former Energy Department official under President George W. Bush who is now senior energy policy analyst at Hedgeye Potomac Research.

“Until the US refining sector is able to process more lighter crudes, we’re never going to have energy independence,” McMonigle said.



Article Source: https://www.studentnewsdaily.com/daily-news-article/next-year-the-us-will-export-more-energy-than-it-imports-that-hasnt-happened-since-1953/

Image source : https://www.studentnewsdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/us-oil-production2019-820x462.jpg





1. poised / adjective : (of a person) composed, dignified, and self-assured.

2. reliant / adjective : having or showing dependence: confident; trustful.

3. milestone / noun : a significant event or stage in the life, progress, development, or the like of a person, nation, etc.:

4. crude / adjective : in a raw or unprepared state; unrefined or natural: /noun : crude oil.

5. Reluctant / adjective : unwilling; disinclined:

6. disrupt / verb : to cause disorder or turmoil in:

7. albeit / conjunction : although; even if:

8. insulate / verb : to cover, line, or separate with a material that prevents or reduces the passage, transfer, or leakage of heat, electricity, or sound:

9. refine / verb : to bring to a fine or a pure state; free from impurities





1. For how many years is the U.S. now likely to be a net energy exporter?

2. What caused this milestone?

3. Which two huge oil producers did the U.S. surpass in terms of monthly oil production last year?

4. Why won’t this milestone allow the U.S. energy independence yet?

5. Over the years, there have been various warnings about the U.S. running out of oil. The oil companies simply found new oil reserves, and new technologies to get it out of the ground. How long do you think it will take the oil refining sector to produce lighter crudes?
