제목   |  [Lifestyle] 21 Ways to Think Positively Every Day 작성일   |  2017-09-19 조회수   |  4203

21 Ways to Think Positively Every Day 





A good attitude always starts with good thoughts. Positive thinking is equally as powerful as negative thinking: you'll start to believe it eventually. So it's critical to adopt the former and make it into a daily habit. Like everything, shifting your mindset requires conscious effort and commitment, and there are many ways to condition yourself to think positively until it becomes second nature. See 21 things that will help ward off all the Negative Nancys out there.


 1. Eliminate negative words from your vocabulary.
By actively filtering out certain words and phrases, you're forcing your brain to find more positive ways to communicate. Prohibit yourself from saying "no," "can't," and other restricting things.


2. Surround yourself with good company.
A good attitude is contagious, so hang out with those who will contribute to your positivity instead of bringing you down.


3. Practice gratitude.
When you say thanks either vocally or to yourself, it makes it more difficult to think negatively. Remind yourself that things could be worse and take a moment to be appreciative. 


4. Adopt a personal motto.
Crea te an original phrase or choose from existing ones. Whenever things start slipping to the wayside, recite your motto to get you back on track.  


 5. Avoid triggers.
If you can prevent negative thoughts from forming, do what you can to keep them at bay. Ask your mother if you can call her back another time, for example, or take a different route to work instead. 


6. Reward yourself.
Give yourself an incentive to stay positive by treating yourself once in a while. Good thoughts will also likely be a result from doing so.

7. Practice mindfulness.
Being aware of what you're saying, thinking, and feeling can do wonders for your attitude. You'll have a better hold of your emotions and thoughts, which will translate all around.

8. Slow down and relax.
It's easier to form negative thoughts when you're constantly on the go and stressed out. Take a breather and find your calm until you reach a more restored state.

9. Set yourself up for a good day.
By starting your day off on a good note, the rest of your day is more likely to follow. Wake up to your favorite playlist, stop by your favorite coffee shop, and take your time getting ready.

10. Set up positive reminders around you.
Don't underestimate the power of sticky notes. Sprinkle Post-Its around your room, mirror, or work space as a friendly reminder to keep up the positive thinking.

11. Practice positive affirmations.
Vocalize the type of thinking you want to adopt. It might seem uncomfortable at first to talk aloud to yourself, but hearing something vs. listening to the voice in your head can have a different impact.

12. Don't be so hard on yourself.
Self-criticism is so easy because you don't realize how much damage you can do to yourself. Be mindful about the things you're telling yourself and catch any negative thoughts before you allow them to manifest.

13. Do things that bring you joy.
This is almost a foolproof method to keep your spirits up. If there's a particular activity that always puts you in a good mood, do it! And do it often.

14. Pay it forward.
Helping others almost always makes you feel good in return — it's a win-win! Even a small gesture like writing a coworker a thank-you note can help shift the nature of your thoughts.

15. Read an inspiring book.
Pick up a book that has the potential to change your perspective on things or reread an old favorite. Books that have an impact will most likely stay with you for a while.

16. Find the silver lining.
Every situation, good or bad, can have a positive element — it just depends on the way you choose to see it. Evaluate the scenario and take away an opportunity or lesson from it.

17. Look at the bigger picture.
Step back from a situation and views things from at large. The day-to-day stresses of a time-consuming project, for example, will have a major payout in the long run.

18. Find stress releasers.
Look to a healthy outlet that will help facilitate good vibes. Exercise in general is an effective way to let go of both mental and physical tensions.

19. Take a break from social media.
Being constantly connected to your news feed can be unhealthy. You may see articles that spark some sort of negative emotion or unconsciously compare yourself to your Instagram-perfect friends. Allow yourself to shut it off for a short period.

20. Don't dwell on the past.
Allowing things outside your control to get into your head can be toxic. Try your best to move forward or else you'll be stuck in this unhealthy cycle of "I should've"s and "I would've"s.

21. Make an attitude shift.
If positive thinking doesn't come naturally to you, you can't expect it to happen for you all of a sudden on its own. It requires altering your current mindset and actively seeking the good in every situation.


 Article Source: https://www.popsugar.com/smart-living/Ways-Think-Positively-44002931?stream_view=1#interstitial-0
Image Source: https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/U5g-meIXtAi87DmUbzRXi1017zw/fit-in/1024x1024/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2017/09/11/909/n/1922441/bb121cdeaf3f1245_lesly-b-juarez-220845/i/Practice-positive-affirmations.jpg

1. Filter (v./ informal) ~ to censor (oneself), as to avoid causing embarrassment or offense
2. Contagious (adj.) ~ (of an emotion, feeling, or attitude) likely to spread to and affect others
3. Fall/ slip to the wayside (idiom) ~  to fail to continue give up
4. Affirmation (n.) ~ emotional support or encouragement
5. Silver lining (n.) ~ hopeful side of a situation that might seem gloomy on the surface
6. Alter (v.) ~ change or cause to change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant way

1. Do you consider yourself to be optimistic or pessimistic? Describe your personality in relation to these two types.
2. How do you reward yourself whenever you are able to achieve something very difficult?
3. What are the things that give you happiness? How often do you do these activities?
4. What is the most inspiring book you have ever read? What is it about and how did it inspire you?  

