제목   |  {Lifestyle] 17 Tiny Habits That Drain Your Energy (and Make Life More Difficult) 작성일   |  2016-09-01 조회수   |  5714

17 Tiny Habits That Drain Your Energy (and Make Life More Difficult) 






Our habits are what ultimately build who we are. If we build positive daily habits, we create ourselves in a positive and thoughtful direction. If we build negative daily habits, we find wake up in deep holes while at the same time wondering how we got there in the first place. The key, then, is to understand how these habits come to beand having the awareness to spot those that prohibit larger, more positive growth.

Here are some of the most common "bad habits" that tend to sneak under the radar and cause more harm than good.

1. You don't follow through.
Yes, this is a habit. Whether you're promising to take out the trash or you're promising to get the merger deal signed and delivered by Friday end-of-day, both are a function of the same habityou have to follow through. And what you don't realize is that in not following through, you end up creating more work for yourself on the back end.

2. You ride instead of run.
A metaphor and a literal translation of one's work ethic, "riding" the bus is a very different experience than running alongside it. Be the runner, not the rider. Contrary to popular belief, you will feel much more alive when you are part of the experience and the collaboration rather than just tagging along. If you're tagging along, you'll feel groggy and disposable. Get involved.

3. You don't make time to sleep.
This whole "I work more and sleep less than you" competition is pretty much a charade. Humans have to sleep. We all have to sleep. You'll fall asleep sometime, regardless. So make it a schedule, make it a daily priority, find your rhythm, and leave it at that.

4. You say more negative things than positive.
Being a Negative Nancy does nothing but suck the energy out of everyoneincluding you. Find the positive and focus on that.

5. You "have to be right."
There's nothing quite like an endless argument.

6. You forget to breathe.
I mean this in the most literal wayif you don't make time to get back in your body and actually feel yourself breathe, then you aren't just busy. You're coping. Get back in touch with your core self, asap.

7. You check your e-mail every three seconds.
Nobody is going anywhere. No one is dying. Relax.

8. You eat lots of sugar carbs.
Health lesson here: Sugar carbs spike your insulin. If your breakfast is a fruit bowl, that might explain why for the first hour you feel great and the second hour you feel like you want to take a nap. Eat less sugar.

9. You drink too much coffee.
The gray area between moderation and addiction lies somewhere between a Grande dark roast and a Venti black eye.

10. You only work and never play.
Especially if you're in a creative industry, you have to make time for input, not just output.

11. Your circle of friends is one dimensional.
This can be exceedingly exhausting. Come on, branch out a bit and surround yourself with people who will make you think differently.

12. You don't exercise.
Again, it's contrary to popular belief, but standing still doesn't make you feel energized and alive. The body wants to be pushed, challenged, torn apart, and rebuilt again. Give it that freedom.

13. You don't study your craft.
Energy is earned. We have more energy about the things we feel good about. And you can't feel good about something unless you work at it. Put in the work, and you'll feel energized.

14. You try to do too much at once.
It is an art learning how to take on just enough so that you're comfortably busy, but not so much that you're constantly drowning.

15. You don't practice appreciation.
Living a happy life has far less to do with what you achieve or earn, and far more with how much you can appreciate. It is a practice, and deserves attention every single day.

16. You don't listen.
By not taking the time to listen to others, you make them feel disrespected. In turn, they react negatively toward you, and on and on the cycle goes. Take the extra minute and lend an ear.

17. You aren't doing what you love.
The ultimate energy-suck is not doing what you are completely and utterly obsessed with. Do what you love, and you'll have more energy than you know what to do with. 


Article Source: http://www.inc.com/nicolas-cole/17-tiny-habits-that-drain-your-energy-and-make-life-more-difficult.html
Image Source: http://www.incimages.com/uploaded_files/image/970x450/getty_163844925_107699.jpg 


1. Groggy (adj.) ~ dazed, weak, or unsteady, especially from illness, intoxication, sleep, or a blow
2. Charade (n.) ~ an absurd pretense intended to create a pleasant or respectable appearance
3. Lend an ear (idiom) ~ listen sympathetically or attentively
4. Utterly (adv.) ~ completely and without qualification absolutely 


1. Which of the aforementioned habits are you guilty of? Discuss how these habits affect your everyday life.
2. Do you often multi-task? Does it make you more productive or less productive? Explain your answer.
3. Why is it necessary to further develop your craft?
4. Why is listening an important part of our daily life? 
