제목   |  [Lifestyle] 8 Things the Most Successful People Do Every Night 작성일   |  2016-08-17 조회수   |  3390

[8 Things the Most Successful People Do Every Night ]





The importance of good morning habits is a no-brainer. It’s common sense that if you wake up early and do good things to ramp up your body and mind for the day, those things will pay off. How we spend our evenings gets a lot less attention, but it’s just as important—it’s the time that bridges one day into the next.

Train yourself to make that transition a great one with these eight evening habits, borrowed from highly successful people. 


1. Read to Learn
Growth requires learning, and the more topics you’re engaged and interested in, the more effective you can be. But, there’s rarely time during the workday to feed your mind or learn something new. If you set aside some time to read in the evening, you’ll find it’s a relaxing way to expand your horizons. As a bonus, it can help you make the transition to a great night’s sleep, as long as you read from a book or an e-book with digital ink rather than the screen of a computer or smart device. 


2. Spend Time with People You Care About
One of the very best ways to nurture yourself is to spend time in the company of people you deeply connect with and care about. These are the people who bring out the best in you, the ones whose support and caring can fuel you through hard times. It doesn’t matter if it’s friends or family, and it doesn’t matter what you do—watching a movie together, taking a walk, or sharing a meal. The point is spending time together. 


3. Make Time to Do Nothing
We spend so much of our time in busy-ness. The best antidote is to spend some time not doing anything. Turn off the screens and the sounds, find a peaceful corner, and quiet your mind. You can choose to engage in structured meditation or prayer, or just concentrate on your breath. Setting aside a few moments will center you and keep you focused, and it'll also promote good sleep. 


4. Take Stock
The end of the day is a great time to take stock of what’s been happening. Some people journal, others do a mental walk-through. Either way, ask yourself what’s working and what’s not, what needs your attention, and what developments are significant. It’s a natural time to check in, and it keeps key concepts at the top of your mind as you prepare for the next morning. 


5. Work Out
Especially if you’ve spent the entire day at your desk, don’t go to bed until you’ve found a way to move your body. Many people find a hard workout at the gym too stimulating for the evening hours, but a long walk, a yoga class, or even some simple stretches will help your body and leave you relaxed rather than revved up. 


6. Reset to Refresh
If an active day of work and decision-making leaves you drained, find a ritual to help you reset your body and your thoughts so you can symbolically leave it behind instead of carrying today’s problems into tomorrow. It may be that one of the habits we’ve already discussed—especially exercise and meditation—covers this base. If not, try to create one that will signal your brain to reset, like taking a bath or having a cup of herbal tea. 


7. Get Organized
Do as much as you can in the evening to organize and prepare for the morning. It creates a ritual you can walk through—prepare the coffee, pack anything you need to take with you, set out your clothes. You’ll sleep better knowing that the next day is likely to have a calm, effective start. 


8. Express Gratitude
Making gratitude a nightly touchstone helps keep you content and happy. You may build it into another practice, like journaling or meditation, or just take a moment to jot down the top five things you’re grateful for each evening. Gratitude makes you more positive and optimistic, which in turn helps more good things happen. 

Good evening habits are all about unwinding and balance and letting go of the pressures of the day. It’s something that pays you back twice—giving you a relaxed, pleasant night and a more energetic, productive following day.


Article Source: https://www.themuse.com/advice/8-things-the-most-successful-people-do-every-night?ref=carousel-slide-1
Image Source: https://tm-pilbox.global.ssl.fastly.net/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftm-prod.global.ssl.fastly.net%2Fuploaded%2Fattachments%2F22184.jpg%3Fv%3D65802340c93c791eba446d53f858173e9da4e287ec06363370d620c31bb80e2d&h=367 





1. No-brainer (n./ informal) ~ something that requires or involves little or no mental effort
2. Antidote (n.) ~ a medicine taken or given to counteract a particular poison
3. Rev up (v.) ~ to accelerate sharply the speed of
4. Touchstone (n.) ~ a standard or criterion by which something is judged or recognized
5. Unwind (v.) ~ relax after a period of work or tension  





1. Describe your nightly habit starting from the time you get home from work.  
2. Why do you think it’s important to unwind at night?  
3. Do you often spend time with your friends and family at night? What kind of activities do you usually do? 
