제목   |  [Health] 19 Quickie Pick-Me-Ups that'll Make You Instantly Happier 작성일   |  2016-06-15 조회수   |  3289


19 Quickie Pick-Me-Ups that'll Make You Instantly Happier 





Crank up the mood music

And believe it will really make a difference. Listening to cheerful tunes boosts your mood—so long as you believe that it will, found University of Missouri researchers. Study participants listened to cheery music, and those who heard it with happy intentions noticed an improvement in their moods—while the group not told to think of it as a happiness booster did not. "We can stay in the upper half of our 'set range' of potential happiness as long as we keep having positive experiences," says co-author Kennon Sheldon. So keep blasting "Cake by the Ocean," especially next time you're missing a friend who recently moved away or feel down about how a work presentation went.

Stop and smell the flowers
Yeah, they're pretty, but it's not just the cheery appearance of blooms that can shift your mood. Their smell is just as powerful, finds a study from Rutgers University. Researchers asked two groups of people to write about three life events—one past, one recent, and one future. Those who did so in a florally-scented room wrote three times as many happy words than those who jotted down their ideas in unscented air. Now that's enough of a reason to splurge on a new floral perfume or candle, isn't it?

Create an emergency perk-up file
Whether it's a ticket stub from your favorite band or a dog-eared love letter from your husband, we all have special mementoes that are guaranteed to make joy bubble up. "I worked with a group of critical-care nurses in Boston, and they are instructed to keep a file on their desk with pictures of fun events, cards from patients, kind emails from co-workers, and artwork from their kids," says Shawn Achor, author of Before Happiness: The 5 Hidden Keys to Achieving Success, Spreading Happiness, and Sustaining Positive Change. "When they have a lousy day, they just open their file to get a happiness booster."

Do nice things and everybody wins
Karma's real, folks. When people make the effort to do three kind acts a day, depressive symptoms drop by 94 percent, according to The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Leave an extra-hefty tip for your barista tomorrow morning, pick a bouquet for an elderly neighbor, or drop by a new-mom friend's house to see if she needs an extra hand.

Devote an afternoon to artistic appreciation
Beauty—and a fresh perspective—is in the eye of the beholder. "At Yale Medical School, students are required to go to the art museum for a class, which a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found increased their ability to see new detail by 10 percent," says Achor. Don't live within spitting distance of a fancy museum or gallery? Google your favorite artist and start browsing. "You'll increase your brain's ability to see new opportunities and the positives you might have been missing," adds Achor.

Think back to when you kicked butt
Some might say gloating makes you a poor sport, but we say brag away, and expect to start beaming. When we recall memories, our mind travels to the way we felt during that experience, says Robin H-C, life coach and author of Life's In Session. "The lines between real and imagined are blurred, so if you vividly replay an achievement, it can quickly reconnect you with those positive feelings." Think back to the birth of your first child or your first date with your husband next time the blues strike for the emotional equivalent of an awesome vacation.

Hit the couch
We fought them kicking and screaming as kids, but nowadays, few things sound more luxurious than an afternoon nap. And no, midday snoozes are certainly not just for lazy people. Science suggests that the opposite is in fact true—a 10- to 30-minute nap helps improve short-term mood, alertness, and productivity, three things to feel positively chipper about. "It's hard to be happy when you're not getting enough sleep, which can make you either feel numb or agitated," says Pamela Gail Johnson, founder of the Secret Society of Happy People. You may not be able to doze off at your desk every day, but next time your kids hit the hay, take it as an opportunity to do the same. 


Put a smile on
Flash your pearly whites—even if it's the last thing you feel like doing. A study published in Psychological Science found that even forced grins rev up cheer. "This is literally 'fake it 'til you make it,'" says Achor. And like yawns, smiles are contagious, but so are frowns. "When we're having a bad day, other people can mirror our stressed-out expressions and project that negative feeling back on us," says Achor.

Step away from the screen
Between feeling phantom vibrations on days we leave our cell phones at home and failing to leave our computers for a single moment between breakfast and lunch, being too plugged-in has become a reality. "If I sit at my desk for too long, I hit an unhappy wall," says Johnson. "I run out of energy and feel depleted." She suggests trying your very best to step away for 10 minutes whenever possible in order to recharge your batteries—and not just when you've ODed on glowing screens. "Any task that you continually do for 90 to 120 minutes requires a break to give your body and brain a rest, and being more productive increases your happiness," she adds.

Keep a water bottle handy
Eight glasses of water a day isn't just important for your physical health. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that even mild dehydration made healthy women feel pessimistic. Lack of water was also linked to fatigue and scattered concentration, so aim to drink two liters a day to keep your brain—and your body—humming at peak performance. If that goal seems iffy to you, divide your body weight in half and drink that many ounces over the course of the day.

Stay engaged
Who says money can't buy happiness? Turns out, it actually can't. An article published by the Harvard Business Review found that wealthy people are typically less cheery because they choose to physically and psychologically distance themselves from others. We're all naturally social, so make sure you surround yourself with others as often as possible. We all need at least one meaningful relationship to maintain our happiness, so latch on to your spouse or a close friend.

Say "om"
Nothing can calm a busy mind quite like meditation. In one study conducted by Barbara Fredrickson, employees from a business software company participated in hour-long sessions of "loving kindness" meditation, which emphasizes concern and tenderness. At the end of the study, participants showed increased positive emotions and were less depressed compared to the control group. The next time you need a little surge of happiness, tune into a calm channel and let your mind rest.

Work your social network
It's important to engage with those around you, but it's equally important to stay in touch with distant friends and family. Studies from Happify, a science-based website dedicated to building happier lives, indicate that keeping in contact with at least ten friends can boost your happiness—and even lead to a longer life. Use this as an excuse to give your sis a call, or text your college roommate to see what's new. Maybe even wish an old friend a happy birthday on Facebook. It only takes a few seconds, and you'll feel so much better after.

Hug it out
There's something about a warm embrace that just makes everything better. Dr. Paul Zak, also known as "Dr. Love," says that touch releases oxytocin, that feel-good hormone that can lower stress and improve moods. "Oxytocin connects us to other people," says Zak. "It makes us feel what other people feel." What's the easiest way to release it? A hug, of course! Zak recommends at least eight of them a day.

Find your groove
Whether you have two left feet or can bust a move like J.Lo, sometimes a spontaneous dance party is all you need to turn your mood around. In a study from the University of Derby, participants with depression took nine weeks of salsa dancing classes. At the end of the study, they reported better moods and self-confidence from learning a new skill. So the next time you're down in the dumps, blast some Beyoncé and put on your dancing shoes for a dance party of one.

Move more
You hear this all the time, but it's worth repeating. A Penn State study found that people tend to note feelings of excitement and enthusiasm when they workout the same day. "You don't have to be the fittest person who is exercising every day to receive the feel-good benefits of exercise," said study author David Conroy. If you exercise regularly, push yourself to increase your intensity level. Even if it's just for 30 minutes, a daily workout can turn a horrible day into a happy one.

Seize the moment
It's totally natural to ruminate on the past, but dwelling may be decreasing your happiness. "Mental health tends to become challenged when we get sucked into what used to happen or what people 'did to me' rather than taking responsibility in what I am doing or creating today, right now," says psychotherapist and author Jeffrey Sumber. Rather than making yourself crazy over things you can't change, stop and enjoy. Ice cream, anyone?

Take it outside
Spending time in the great outdoors is a real breath of fresh air, according to author Shawn Achor. In his book, The Happiness Advantage, hanging outside is a brain-booster, too. "One study found that spending 20 minutes outside in good weather not only boosted positive mood, but broadened thinking and improved working memory." Use that time outdoors to self-reflect.

Think small
Ever feel like your endless to-do list is going to strangle you in your sleep? Knocking out the little tasks first may help you feel more in control. According to Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project, employing the one-minute rule can help you get a grip: If you can take care of something in sixty seconds or less, do it immediately. Once you slay the little dragons, like wiping down the kitchen counter or emptying the bathroom trash, those bigger items on your to-do list will feel less overwhelming. 


Article Source: http://www.redbookmag.com/body/mental-health/advice/g1877/ways-to-feel-happy/
Image Source: http://rbk.h-cdn.co/assets/16/23/1465586115-gettyimages-525848907.jpg 

1. Splurge (v.) ~ spend (money) freely or extravagantly
2. Memento (n.) ~ an object kept as a reminder or souvenir of a person or event
3. Chipper (adj./informal) ~ cheerful and lively
4. Iffy (adj./informal) ~ full of uncertainty doubtful
5. Ruminate (v.) ~ think deeply about something


1. What do you usually do to boost your mood when you are feeling down?
2. If you will create a “perk-up file”, what kind of things would you include?
3. Describe your “happy place”.  
