제목   |  [Health] After 20 Years, a Food Label Makeover 작성일   |  2016-05-23 조회수   |  2511

After 20 Years, a Food Label Makeover 






The nutrition facts panel on the back of food packages that box many of us check to see how many calories and how much fat, protein, and fiber are in the foods we eat is getting a new look.

Among the key changes:
• A new line will tell people how much sugar has been added to a processed food.
• Serving sizes will be updated to more closely reflect the amount of a food people actually eat. A serving of ice cream, for example, will be increased to two-thirds of a cup instead of one-half cup. A serving of soda will go from 8 to 12 ounces.
• Calories will be larger and bolder.
• Daily values will be updated to reflect the most recent science. The daily value for fiber has been increased from 25 grams to 28 grams, for example.
• New vitamins and minerals will get some space. Potassium and vitamin D, two nutrients that Americans tend not to get enough of, will now be featured on food labels. 


First lady Michelle Obama and the FDA announced the new changes Friday. They’re the first updates to nutrition labels in 2 decades. Food manufacturers will have between 2 and 3 years, depending on their size, to comply.

“This is going to make a real difference in providing families across the country the information they need to make healthy choices,” Obama said in a statement.

Nutrition advocates cheered the new rule, which had faced fierce opposition from the food industry.

“I think it’s a huge step forward,” says Laura MacCleery, director of regulatory affairs for the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest in Washington, D.C.

“The line for added sugars is just a revelation. We’ll be able to see how much sugar in yogurt is naturally there from milk sugar and how much is added to sweeten it,” she says.

Right now, the average American eats about 115 grams (23 teaspoons) of added sugar a day. The new daily value for added sugar will be 50 grams less than half that amount.

Food manufacturers and the sugar industry fought hard to keep added sugars off the food label, saying that people won’t understand the changes.

“Because consumers could be confused by the new label with its numerous changes, a robust consumer education effort will be needed to ensure that people continue to understand how the revised label can be used to make informed choices and maintain healthful dietary practices,” the Grocery Manufacturers Association said in a Friday statement released in response to the new rule.

The Sugar Association has said there’s no scientific basis for distinguishing between added sugars and those that are naturally in foods. They also say there’s no evidence that labeling these sugars will help people improve the quality of their diets.
In a White House media briefing on Friday, senior administration officials said the new daily value for added sugar is aimed at helping people improve their diets. When added sugar amounts to more than 10% of daily calories, it displaces needed nutrients, the officials said. Too much of the added sweet stuff also contributes to overeating.

Marion Nestle, PhD, professor of nutrition, food studies, and public health at New York University, agrees.

“I think this has to be scored as a huge win,” Nestle says. “The FDA released what it proposed on the big stuff... this is cause for celebration.” 



Article Source: http://www.webmd.com/diet/20160520/food-label-makeover?page=1
Image Source: http://img.webmd.com/dtmcms/live/webmd/consumer_assets/site_images/article_thumbnails/news/2016/05_2016/new_food_label/650x350_new_food_label.jpg 



1. Comply (v.) ~ (of a person or group) act in accordance with a wish or command
2. Fierce (adj.) ~ having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness
3. Robust (adj.) ~ (of a process, system, organization, etc.) able to withstand or overcome adverse conditions
4. Displace (v.) ~ take over the place, position, or role of (someone or something) 



1. Do you think that food labels are important for people in maintaining a healthy diet? Discuss your answer.
2. Are you conscious about the nutritional content of the processed food and other food products which you and your family consume? Explain your answer.
3. Do you think the new labels will be helpful for the consumers? 
