제목   |  [Career] 13 things you should never say on your first day at work 작성일   |  2015-06-05 조회수   |  3216


13 things you should neversay on your first day at work 





What you say during yourfirst day on the job can mean the difference between a lasting relationshipwith your new employer or a dash in the pan for your career.

"If you say something that's off, it sets the tone, andthat could be the reason for you to be let go in your first three months,"says J.T. O'Donnell, a career and workplace expert, founder of career advicesite, CAREEREALISM.com, and author of "Careerealism:The Smart Approach toa Satisfying Career."

"It's natural to want to be liked — to impress and fit in quickly," explainsworkplace confidence expert Michelle Kerrigan. "However, many try toohard, and talk too much when they should be listening."


1."Atmy last company..." or "In my last job..."

No one likes aknow-it-all.

Rosalinda OropezaRandall, etiquette and civility expert and author of "Don’t Burp in theBoardroom" suggests walking into the new job with energy, but she also recommends a splash ofhumility. "Not the timid, reserved definition, but with an attitudeof learning — not knowing-it-all."

2."When do I get a raise?"

"Howabout getting through the ninety-day probationary period first,"Randall suggests.

3."BTW, I have to leave early on Fridays."

"If you hadn'ttalked about that prior to joining, landing in the new job and suddenlydropping these kinds of bombs on them really shows a lack of communication andrespect on your part," O'Donnell says.

"They're expecting you to just come in and be there andbe present, be eager, be ready and willing to learn."

4."Whoshould I meet and who should I avoid around here?"

A question like this isbasically asking coworkers to gossip — that's a career killer, Randall says.And one person's beef with another coworker is their business only and couldhave developed over matters you have no idea about.

"Take time to meet and engage in small talk with eachperson in your department," Randall suggests. "Judge foryourself."

5."That's not how I learned how to do it."

Keep the conversationpositive, O'Donnell advises. Employers don't want to hear what you can't do—they want to hear that you are open-minded and ready to learn to do it theirway.

"That can sometimes slip out because people want to beable to show their expertise and they think, 'That's why I got hired,'"O'Donnell explains. "But if you don't frame it properly, it can reallysound negative and critical of the organization that's just hired you."

6."What's the holiday party like? Do we getbonuses or a ham or something?"

"Youare the ham," Randall says. "Why don't you just wait and see whenholiday time rolls around. By the way, what will you do if you go home empty-handed?"

7."What d'ya have to do around here to getan upgrade on this company phone?"

If your company phoneisn't the newest or shiniest, chances are your coworkers' aren't either. Askingfor an upgrade will undoubtedly alienate some people who will questionif you think you deserve it more.

"Learn to deal with what you are given. If the companyis technology-deficient, has older desks, chairs, or office décor, don't allowor use it to determine how you get the job done," Randall says.

8."That makes no sense."

You may come across a way ofdoing things in your new company that you don't understand or agree with, butframing it this way makes you seem like a Negative Nancy or — even worse — justplain dumb.

"Get some feedback before you make this automaticassumption," O'Donnell suggests. Instead of saying the policy doesn't makesense to you, ask why the company does it this way, the history behind it, andtry to understand the policy from the organization's point of view.

9."My prior boss wasclueless."

Maybe your previous boss was an idiot. But negativecomplaints and comparisons are rarely welcomed, Kerrigan points out, and thesekinds of statements can be harmful to your professional brand and how you'reperceived. You're the one that’s coming off as clueless.

"Your brand is your trademark, and it's built byconsistency — good and bad," she says. "Once established as bad, it'shard to change perception. You need to build and maintain a positive brand — tobe memorable for the good."

10."I'd like to invite you all to my churchthis Sunday."

Unless it has something to do with your job, you might consider bringing the"never discuss politics or religion at the dinner table" rule to yourdesk as well.

"These discussion aren't generally well received in awork environment," Randall says. "You may find coworkers shying awayfrom you as Fridays approach."

11."In my opinion..."

As a general rule of thumb, make "Ask, don'ttell," your personal mantra for the day, O'Donnell suggests.

Unless asked, it's better to keep your opinion to yourselfand see what your employers have to say about things first.

12."What's theemployee discount like?!"

Defer these kinds of questions to the policies and procedures manual, Randallsays.

"Inquiring and asking for perks is so 'me, me me' — anunfavorable trait."

13."Hey Donna,working hard or hardly working?!"

First of all, lame.

Second of all, while you may see other coworkers ribbingeach other and think it's fine to join in — don't.

"They earned that level of casualness with each other …you are not there yet," O'Donnell says.

"In the beginning, even though it may feel a little buttonedup for you, you've got to be respectful, you've got to be polite, you've got toprove to people that you're there to do a great job."

ArticleSource: http://www.businessinsider.com/things-you-never-say-on-your-first-day-2015-4?op=1

Image Source: http://oorjabizops.com/resources/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/18ix9nla9mydfjpg.jpg



1. Adash in the pan (idiom) ~ brief  

2. Timid (adj.) ~ showing lack ofcourage or confidence 

3. Probationary (adj.) ~ testing or trial of a person’s conduct,character, etc.  

4. Prior(adj.) ~ existing or coming before in time, order, or importance 

5. Empty-handed (adj.) ~ having failed to obtain or achieve whatone wanted 

6. Alienate(v.) ~ cause someone to feel isolated or estranged 

7. Mantra (n.) ~ a statement repeatedfrequently  

8. Rib (v./ informal) ~ teasegood-naturedly  



1. Doyou remember your first day at work? How was it? 

2. Whyis it important to make a good impression towards co-workers on the first dayat work? 

3. Howcan you assist someone who is new in your office?  
