제목   |  [Culture] Lucky Handwriting 작성일   |  2015-04-01 조회수   |  3074

In need of good luck?Change your handwriting




The way you write may just seal your fate.

EltonJohn sings that it’s all written in the stars. Others beg to differ — believingthat fate, and luck, isall in handwriting.

Atleast, that is what graphologists, experts in the study of handwriting, believewhen they analyze the shapes and patterns of handwriting to identify thewriters’ characteristics.

GraphologistVita Harsono said thelogic behind the science of graphology stems from an argument that people’shandwriting is influenced by the human subconscious, which somehow correlates with their traits andcharacteristics.

Keepingthat in mind, she could read that, for instance, people who write a perfectlyround “o” are honest people, while those who write “i” with the dot perfectlyaligned have good work ethics and people who write “t” with the bar high at thetop of the letter have high aspirations.

“Changeyour handwriting, change your life,” she said on the sidelines of hergraphology class in a South Jakarta hotel’s conference room.

BusinesswomanMuiing found the concept acceptable, believing that graphology may have saved her marriageif she had learned about it sooner.

“Iwas fooled by my friend she ran away with my husband. I could have noticed itbefore if I knew her handwriting,” said the 38-year-old, one of the class’seven participants.

Themother of three said her friend’s writing was what is described in graphologyas “felonsclaw”, which hints at disloyalty and dishonesty.

Duringthe class, interactions between Vita and her students were engaging and alive,with everyone sharing their own experiences. Each class costs between 2 millionrupiah (US$154) and 3 million rupiah, for which trainees obtain a certificate.

Vitashared not only how to read people’s characteristics through handwriting, butalso how to use graphology to improve people’s career, business and even lovelives.

Sheonce had a client who had been jobless for two years and she believed it wasbecause of his signature, which was illegible, formed out of shell-likeshapes that signified his closed-minded personality.

Duringa three-month consultation, she asked the client to change his signature.

“Goodsignatures are those which start with a capital letter, slant to the right,with the end going up,” Vita said.

Inthe fourth month, the client got the job he had been dreaming of.

Apartfrom playing a role in one’s fate, Vita said graphology could also be used asan early detection measure before choosing a business or even love partner.

“Fromtheir handwriting, you will know whether they can be trusted or not,” Vitasaid.

Theformer human resources employee said graphology was also adopted in employeerecruitment systems in some companies.

“Usinggraphology makes the recruitment time cost efficient since you don’tneed weeks to learn candidates’personality. All you need is to see their handwriting, saidVita, who was asked to help a bank with employee recruitment.

Withthe benefits of mastering graphology, many have shown an interest in knowingand learning more, like Bayu Fitri Hutami, a statistics lecturer at a privateuniversity in Jakarta. 

Bayusaid she was interested in graphology since it could improve her teachingmethodology. She also believed it may enable her to identify a pervertin her class.

“Iwant to know how I can motivate my students maybe by knowing them throughtheir handwriting, I can know the perfect way to motivate them,” said the37-year-old.

Despiteits popularity and the public’s excitement over graphology, controversysurrounding the practice is still rife.

Psychology,for example, has never consideredgraphology a science because there is no scientific evidence supporting thepractice.

PsychologistAnna Surti Ariani argued that graphologystill plays a complementary role in psychology. “You can’t rely on handwritinganalysis alone to read people’s personality you also need other tests,” shesaid. 

Vita,however, begs to differ. She asserts that graphology is an old and provenscience dating back to the 17th century.

“Somany experts have studiedthis and it is all supported by research and scientific experiments,”shesaid. 

Despitethe claims, it seems it will go back to people’s personal experiences with handwriting.But for Bayu, Muiing and other graphology enthusiasts, fate, and luck, is up totheir handwriting.

ArticleSource: http://www.asiatraveltoday.com/2015/03/24/in-need-of-good-luck-change-your-handwriting/

ImageSource: http://www.pegasusnational.com/graphics/knowledgebase/handwriting.jpg



1. Seal (v.) ~ to establish or determine irrevocably  

2. Correlate(v.) ~ to have a mutual or reciprocal relation  

3. Aspiration(n.) ~ a strong desire for high achievement  

4. Felon(n.) ~ a person who has committed a crime 

5. Illegible(adj.) ~ unable to be read 

6. Costefficient (adj.) ~ productive related to the cost 

7. Pervert(n.) ~ a person who practices sexual perversion  

8. Rife(adj.) ~ a common or frequent occurrence  



1. Doyou agree that personality can be determined through the person’s handwriting?Why? 

2. Accordingto the article, what is a good signature? 

3. Doyou think your signature and handwriting are lucky? Why?  
