제목   |  kim jong-il dies at 69 작성일   |  2011-12-20 조회수   |  2895

[김정일 사망] MB·오바마 긴급통화… 한·미 차분한 대응 합의  

Dec 20,2011
  North Korea’s state-run media announced yesterday that North Korean leader Kim Jong-il died of a heart attack at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday. In this stock photo, Kim inspects a military parade to mark the 63rd anniversary of North Korea’s founding on Sept. 9, 2011, in Pyongyang. [NEWSIS]
North Korean leader Kim Jong-il died Saturday of a heart attack, the reclusive Communist country’s state media reported yesterday. He was 69.

A tearful anchorwoman on the North’s Korean Central Television announced Kim’s death in a special broadcast at noon yesterday.

The death of the North Korean dictator puts an end to his 17-year leadership, which included two inter-Korean summits, two nuclear tests and two deadly military attacks on South Korea last year.

Kim, who was named successor to his father, North Korean founder Kim Il Sung, in 1974, became the National Defense Commission chairman in 1993, which remained his most powerful official position. After his father’s death in 1994, he took charge of the reclusive Communist country and his father was named “eternal president.”

Korean Central News Agency issued a series of reports announcing Kim’s death. Kim died of heart failure on a train, it said.

“Due to accumulated physical and mental fatigue, he suffered from acute myocardial infarction, followed by severe heart shocks,” KCNA said. “All emergency medical actions were taken immediately, but he died at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday.”

The report said an autopsy was performed Sunday to confirm the cause of death.

A joint statement announcing Kim’s death was made by the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party, Central Military Commission of the Workers’ Party, National Defense Commission, the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly and the cabinet. The statement was called a message to all Workers’ Party members, soldiers and the people of North Korea.

After the North’s announcement, the South Korean government held emergency meetings to discuss the situation. The South’s military and police raised their alertness, while President Lee Myung-bak held an emergency national security council meeting and urged the public to remain calm. He also had a talk on the telephone with U.S. President Barack Obama, and they agreed to cooperate in watching the situation in the North.

North Korean media reports said Kim’s body will be placed at the Kumsusan Memorial Palace in Pyongyang, also known as the Kim Il Sung Mausoleum. The national mourning period began Saturday and will continue until Dec. 29. Mourners will be received from today until Dec. 27, and the funeral ceremony will take place in Pyongyang on Dec. 28, the reports said.

The North said it will not receive delegates from foreign countries.

North Korea formed a 232-member funeral committee, which gave an indication of the power elite who will run the country in the post-Kim era. The first name on the list was his youngest son Kim Jong-un, the designated successor, and he was given the title “comrade,” signaling that he will be in charge of the funeral ceremony. Other key members of the North Korean leadership, including Kim family members, cabinet ministers and senior military officials, were on the list without titles.

A massive memorial ceremony for Kim will be held on Dec. 29. The entire population of the North will fall silent for three minutes, and trains and ships will blow their horns. A salute of guns will also be fired in Pyongyang and major cities around the North.

The announcements of Kim’s death glorified the North Korean leader’s achievements, calling him a great revolutionary who has wisely led the Workers’ Party, military and the people for a long time. His efforts to uphold the North’s founding ideology of juche, or self-reliance, to build a strong country with a “military first” policy were highlighted in the announcements. Kim was also praised for having made the North an “untouchable nuclear power.”

The joint statement confirmed the third-generation dynastic succession in the North. “Today, comrade Kim Jong-un, the great successor of the juche revolution and the excellent leader of our party and military, is standing on the frontline of our revolution,” it said, urging North Korea’s people to transform their grief into courage under the young leader’s leadership.

Kim’s death came at an unusually sensitive time. Informed sources have said Pyongyang reportedly told Washington last week that it would consider suspending its uranium enrichment program, boosting hopes of resuming the long-stalled six-party nuclear disarmament talks.

While concerns grew in the South about possible security instability on the Korean Peninsula following Kim’s death, domestic and international news wires reported that the North fired at least one missile into the East Sea yesterday.

“The North test-fired a short-range missile in the morning,” a senior government official was quoted as saying yesterday by Yonhap News Agency. “The military in the South has been tracking the situation, and we believe it is not linked to Kim’s death.”

The source told Yonhap that the missile fired yesterday morning was believed to have a range of 120 kilometers (75 miles), and the firing was probably part of a preplanned test to check its capabilities.

Another military official also told Yonhap yesterday that the missile firing was seen as a test, not an armed provocation. He, however, refused to discuss the details of the incident, including the location.

By Ser Myo-ja [myoja@joongang.co.kr]


MB·오바마 긴급통화 … 한·미 차분한 대응 합의

김정일 1942~2011
정부 대응

19일 낮 김정일 북한 국방위원장의 사망 사실이 알려진 후 이명박 대통령은 국가안전보장회의(NSC)를 긴급 소집했다. 2시간여 회의에서 이 대통령은 위기관리 매뉴얼에 따른 대응 조치의 차질 없는 이행을 확인하고, 북한 상황을 예의주시하면서 만반의 태세를 갖추기로 했다고 안광찬 국가위기관리실장이 전했다. 재외공관들도 일제히 비상근무에 들어갔다. 전 공무원에게 비상근무령, 경찰엔 경계강화 비상근무령이 내려졌다.

 전군은 비상경계태세에 돌입했다. 오후 1시쯤 합동참모본부는 비상경계태세를 3급에서 2급으로 올리고 대북감시를 강화했다. 각 군 대대장급 지휘관들에겐 정위치 대기 지시가 내려졌다. 정승조 합참의장과 제임스 서먼 한미연합사령관은 긴급회동을 한 뒤 ‘불필요하게 위기감을 고조하지 말고 차분하게 대응하자’는 쪽으로 의견을 모았다. 이에 따라 대북정보감시태세인 ‘워치콘’을 3단계에서 2단계로 격상하지 않기로 한 것으로 알려졌다. 휴가 장병 귀대명령은 내려지지 않았다. 이에 앞서 오전엔 동해상에서 북한이 단거리 미사일을 발사했으나 군 당국이 이 사실을 알고도 즉시 공개하지 않았다. 군은 오후 늦게야 “(우리가) 계속 추적해 오던 사안으로 김 위원장의 사망과는 무관한 것 같아 얘기하지 않았다”고 해명했다.

오후 2시 이 대통령은 버락 오바마 미국 대통령과 전화통화를 하고 “양국이 함께 상황을 예의주시하며 긴밀히 협력해 나가자”고 뜻을 모았다. 50분 뒤엔 노다 요시히코 일본 총리, 이어 5시쯤엔 메드베데프 러시아 대통령과도 통화했다. 오후 3시엔 비상국무회의를 열었다. 이 대통령은 “이번 사태로 한반도의 평화와 안정이 위협받아선 안 된다”며 “국론이 분열되지 않는 게 중요하다”고 당부했다. 정부는 현재 개성공단 등 북한에 머무르고 있는 우리 국민은 모두 717명인 것으로 집계했다.

 그러나 정부는 김 위원장의 사망 사실을 제때 파악하지 못했다. 사망 시점인 17일 오전 8시30분부터 19일 낮 12시까지 51시간30분 동안 군 통수권자인 이 대통령은 1박2일로 일본을 다녀왔다. 사망 사실을 알고 있었다면 소화하기 어려운 일정이다. 또 발표 당시 정승조 합참의장은 북한과 600여m 떨어진 최전방 22사단 부대를 시찰 중이었다. 이 대통령도 북한 발표 전까진 내용을 정확히 파악하고 있었던 것은 아니라고 한다. 정부 고위 관계자는 “중국도 발표 전엔 몰랐을 것”이라고 했다. 정보 당국은 그간 북한 내 인적 네트워크를 통한 정보 수집을 뜻하는 휴민트(HUMINT·human intelligence)를 은근히 자랑해 왔다. 2008년 9월 정보 당국자가 “김 위원장이 거동은 불편하지만 양치질을 직접 하기 시작한 것으로 파악했다”고 말한 적도 있다.

 그러나 휴민트가 제대로 가동됐다면 사망에서 발표에 이르는 동안 탐지할 수 있었을 것이란 비판이 나온다. 야당은 “대북 정보망에 심각한 허점이 있다”(권선택 자유선진당 의원)고 목소리를 높였다. 1994년 김일성 주석 사망 때도 김영삼 당시 대통령은 북한 매체의 보도 5분 뒤 오찬장에서 메모지로 보고받았다. 북한은 당시에도 오전 10시 ‘낮 12시 특별방송’을 예고했다.
