제목   |  North Korea trounced by Portugal 0-7 작성일   |  2010-06-22 조회수   |  28412
Portugal trounced North Korea 7-0 in the second match of the Group G in Cape Town Monday, reminding the latter of the bitter upset defeat of 5-3 after a 3-0 lead in the early of the first half of the quarterfinal in the 1966 World Cup.

As a result, North Korea has been eliminated from the Round of 16 with two losses in disregard of the last game of the group against Cote D'ivoire remaining.

North Korea finished the first half, giving only one goal into the 29 minutes by Raul Meireles.

But North Korea allowed three more goals to Simao Sabrosa, Hugo Almeida and Tiago during the seven minutes from the eighth minute into the second half. Portugal also scored three additional goals ― one by Liedson in the 35th, by Cristiano Ronaldo in the 42nd and Tiago in the 43rd, downing the reclusive communist country 7-0.

This is repeat of the humiliation North Korea suffered 44 years ago in the England World Cup. At that time, Portugal stormed back to win 5-3, with four goals from the legendary striker Eusebio, after losing three scores in the first 23 minutes of the first half.

"The team that took part in the 1966 World Cup was loved (by the people of North Korea) as it was well combined with personal technique and teamwork," North Korean coach Kim Jong-hun recalled in a post-match press conference, according to Yonhap News.

Kim, appearing somber throughout the conference, took blame for his team's loss, saying he failed to control his players' strong emotions and to implement proper countermeasures.

Asked if countermeasures really mattered in the face of Portugal's goal rally, the coach responded by repeating that he failed to control the formation.

Preparing for the Portugal showdown, the North Korean players had shown strong motivation to avenge their loss 44 years ago.

"Revenge," said midfielder An Yong-hak at a recent press conference. "We will try to get revenge for 1966."

But at the post-match mixed zone conference, most of them refused to speak.

"Not today, please," team captain Park Nam-chol said as he whisked past reporters.
An, one of the few who spoke, acknowledged the match result was "unexpectedly bad."

"We should self-reflect for having collapsed in the final moments and not doing our best," said the midfielder for the Japanese pro club Omiya Ardija.

Jong Tae-se, a forward for Kawasaki Frontale who is dubbed the "People's Rooney," usually has been open about his team's hopes in South Africa.

But the striker did not show up for the media event, heading straight for the team bus.

Despite recording their biggest World Cup loss ever and effectively falling out of the competition, the North Koreans expressed their will to fight on in the remaining match for their compatriots back home. An said that his teammates will "let go of regrets" and go chin-up against the Ivory Coast or Cote D'Ivoire.

"We may not be able to reach our goal, but with the final match remaining, we will prepare for it well," said An, adding that the team enjoys Pyongyang's full support.

북한 포르투갈에 0-7 대패, 16강 좌절

북한은 월요일 케이프 타운에서 벌어진 G조 2차전에서 포르투갈에 0-7로 대패해 1966년 8강전에서 3-0으로 이기다5-3으로 역전패한 씁쓸한 영국 월드컵의 악몽을 되씹어야만 했다.

이번 패배로 북한은 두 경기에서 지고 한 경기가 남은 상태에서 16강 진출이 좌절됐다.

북한은 전반 29분 하울 메이렐레스에 선제골을 내 주고 전반을 0-1로 마쳤다.

그러나 북한은 후반 들어 8 분부터 7분 사이 시망 사브로사, 우고 알메이다, 타이고에 연속골을 내줬다. 이어 포르투갈은 35분 리에드손이, 42분 호나우드가, 43분 티아고가 각각 한 골씩 득점 총 7-0으로 공산국 북한을 완봉했다.

이는 북한이 44년 전 영국에서 열렸던 월드컵에서 당한 수모의 재판이었다. 당시 포르투갈은 전반 23분까지 3-0으로 리드당하다 전설적인 공격수 유세비오가 4골을 터뜨리는 등 총 5골을 넣어 5-3으로 역전했었다.