제목   |  [Parenting] THESE ARE THE SKILLS ‘MODERN DADS’ NEED TO KNOW, ACCORDING TO SURVEY 작성일   |  2018-06-08 조회수   |  2929






Being a modern dad isn’t easy, as it turns out the job requires a wide array of different skills, according to a new survey.

The research, commissioned by Braun ahead of Father’s Day, found that modern dads must know a multitude of information and topics - including how to navigate social media and the lyrics of hit songs.

But having an Instagram is far from the only knowledge required of a modern dad.

According to the researchers, dads should also be adept at “traditional” dad talents such as fixing bikes and updating computers.

Additionally, “must-have” skills include taking turns on the “night feed” with the baby, doing the school run, and knowing how to braid hair.

Also featured high on the list of dad-skills to know? Being able to cook dinner, knowing how to build flatpack furniture, and providing a platform for a good education.

The importance of knowing how to successfully navigate “the chat” is also a crucial trait for a dad to master - as is the ability to set up a new game console.

Zbyszek Kalenik of Braun said of the results: “Fatherhood today demands that dads get to grips with all manner of tasks and challenges, including those that were once the preserve of mum."

And a quarter of dads agree that the requirements of fathers today are much tougher than they were in the past.

Of the 1,200 fathers that participated in the study, eight in 10 agreed that “modern dads” have to know significantly more skills compared to their own dads, with technological-based knowledge accounting for a large portion.

For two-thirds of dads, it was the cost of living, toys, and hobbies that added pressure - while more than half believed society’s demands on fathers to be present and actively involved in their children's upbringing has increased.

But the new pressures have proven to be beneficial - 57 per cent agreed that they spend more time with their children compared to their own fathers.

However, only one-fifth of dads believed themselves to be in the “cool” dad category.

Article Source: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/dad-parenting-skills-braid-hair-build-furniture-sons-daughters-modern-a8383286.html
Image Source: https://dg.imgix.net/10-unforgettable-lessons-on-fatherhood-ssam8c8d-en/landscape/10-unforgettable-lessons-on-fatherhood-ssam8c8d.jpg?ts=1494453154&ixlib=rails-2.1.4&w=700&h=394&dpr=2&ch=Width%2CDPR&auto=format%2Ccompress&fit=min

1. Array (adj.) ~ an impressive display or range of a particular type of thing
2. Adept (adj.) ~ very skilled or proficient at something
3. Braid (v.) ~ interlace three or more strands of (hair or other flexible material) to form a length
4. Navigate (v.) ~ move from one accessible page, section, or view of a file or website to another
5. Crucial (adj.) ~ decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something
6. Upbringing (n.) ~ the treatment and instruction received by a child from its parents throughout its childhood

1. What are the "traditional" responsibilities of a father?
2. How has fatherhood evolved during this modern era?
3. Do you agree that being a father these days is more challenging than before? Why do you think is that? 
