제목   |  [Health] 9 surprising reasons you're always hungry 작성일   |  2018-05-25 조회수   |  3861

9 surprising reasons you're always hungry 




A rumbling stomach may seem like a normal part of your day, but if you're the kind of person who seems to always be starving even if you've packed a ton of snacks in your bag, then perhaps it's best to start considering all those sneaky causes behind your constant state of hunger.

Dehydration, eating too fast, and lack of sleep for example, can really mess with your body, making you feel like you need to eat more than you really have to. If you are tired of the constant pit stops to the vending machine, we spoke to some dietitians, nutritionists, and medical professionals about all those shocking reasons why you're probably famished all the time.

1. You’re not sleeping the best
Not getting a good night's sleep can definitely leave you with a serious case of the munchies, as Brooke Alpert, registered dietitian and author of The Diet Detox said that being chronically tired during the day affects your hormone levels of leptin and ghrelin, which ultimately control hunger levels in the body. And even when you miss a few hours of sleep, Alpert said ghrelin levels still increase, causing you to feel a lot hungrier than usual.

To avoid succumbing to any vending machine temptation throughout your workday, Alpert stresses the importance of getting at least eight hours of sleep a night.

2. You’re actually dehydrated

Dehydration is another surprising cause of midday hunger according to Alpert, as she said hunger and thirst are often confused for one another. Alpert also suggested that dehydration can also lead to fatigue, which is also confused with hunger, making it important to stay hydrated throughout the day as much as possible.

3. You are constantly avoiding fats

Fats definitely get a bad reputation, as we tend to hear more about than the bad then we do the good. With that said, Alpert said avoiding fat altogether only makes you hungrier, making it important to stick with healthier sources of fats like avocado, nuts, and coconuts. These food items tend to be more satiating and satisfying, according to Alpert.

4. You don’t have enough fiber in your diet

A lack of fiber in your diet may also be causing that annoying stomach grumbling, as Sharon Palmer, registered dietitian behind The Plant-Powered Dietitian, said that fibrous foods, (think legumes, grains, and nuts) usually help provide bulk and tend to have the greatest impact of satiety among food constituents.

"Americans are seriously falling short of their daily fiber goals, so it's important to power up on more plant foods," Palmer tells INSIDER. "Adults can fit more servings of whole grains and legumes in the diet. Children can also include these as well."

5. You are eating too many salty foods

You may think that eating too much salty foods just makes you thirsty, but according to Dr. Josh Axe, D.N.M., C.N.S., D.C., founder of Ancient Nutrition, excess salt intake may cause thirst initially, but shortly after, your body actually starts producing and storing more of its own water. This forces the body to use a lot of fuel to break down muscle mass, fueling your hunger in the long run. To avoid any salt-induced munchies, he said to carefully limit your salt intake and try to consume less than 2,300 mg of sodium per day.

6. You are eating too quickly

According to Dr. Matthew L. Mintz, MD, eating too fast can be another surprising source of hunger, as he said hunger is usually regulated by a complex system of hormones that signal to the brain when you need to eat and when you need to stop eating. However, he noted the system, which tells your body that you have had enough food, doesn't exactly work rapidly.

So, if you are actually eating too quickly, you may actually be full, but the body's signals haven't reached the brain yet, causing you to remain hungry and continuing to eat. To stop this simple food mistake, try slowing down and actually take some time to chew your food.

7. You may be sitting in air conditioning too long

Dr. Axe also said that long exposure to air conditioning may be a cause of your hunger, as he said that there is a theory that suggests that air conditioning primes our body for overeating and weight gain.

When the body is exposed to colder temperatures, he said that people tend to eat more as the body is trying to say warm. Of course, more research is needed to guarantee this is the case, but he recommended scaling back on the air conditioning and only using it when you have to.

8. You're actually just bored

Boredom can be another eyebrow-raising cause of your hunger, as some people tend to reach for a bag of chips when they have nothing to do according to nutritionist Dr. Elizabeth Trattner.

To avoid any unnecessary eating, Trattner recommended creating positive feedback loops like organization, meditation, or by practicing self-care. By nurturing other aspects of your life, she says you will create more oxytocin, which will help calm you down by helping to decrease cortisol levels, which can ultimately stimulate appetite.

9. You are only counting calories and not considering what your diet is actually comprised of

Constantly counting calories can also set you up for a constant state of hunger, as registered dietitian Suzanne Fisher MS, RD, LDN said solely focusing on calorie intake can rob you of the nutrients which truly nourish and fuel your body. Instead of counting calories, she recommended that people think of their daily food intake in terms of food groups. This helps ensure a balanced and varied diet.

"If people assign a caloric number to food, it doesn't provide them the whole picture with regards to the nutrient density of the food," Fisher says. "That's why I always recommend my clients to think of their daily intake in terms of food groups."

Article Source: http://www.thisisinsider.com/why-am-i-always-hungry-2018-5
Image Source: http://assets.menshealth.co.uk/main/embedded/30456/hungryman.jpg

1. Famished (adj./ informal) ~ extremely hungry
2. Succumb (v.) ~ fail to resist (pressure, temptation, or some other negative force)
3. Satiate (adj.) ~ satisfied to the full
4. Induce (v.) ~ bring about or give rise to
5. Prime (v.) ~ make (something) ready for use or action, in particular
6. Comprise (v.) ~ consist of be made up of.

1. How often do you crave for something to eat in a day? Do you always eat something when you feel hungry?
2. According to the article, what are some of the reasons people often get hungry? Discuss each briefly.
3. What is the most important factor to remember in terms of eating healthy?

