제목   |  [Lifestyle] Ways to Make a Staycation Awesome Gallery 작성일   |  2018-04-03 조회수   |  2822

Ways to Make a Staycation Awesome Gallery 





A staycation is “a vacation spent at home or nearby,” according to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, and while that may seem like an oxymoron, it’s not. Vacations are about relaxing and spending time away from work or one’s day-to-day obligations. And what better place to relax than home sweet home? You won’t have to worry about making sure you’ve packed all the right things, navigating TSA checkpoints, or enduring long flights.

Staying home doesn’t mean, well, just staying at home, however. A staycation is the best chance to explore everything your town, state, or region has to offer. It’s a chance to check out the best food and drink in your state, see local attractions like a tourist, and bond with your family through activities at home. If you’re looking to save time and money on travel for your next vacation, we’ve got some foolproof ways to make a staycation awesome.

Attend a Local Festival
Local festivals are a great opportunity to get to know the community around you and really appreciate the local character. See if there are any wacky food festivals or local celebrations of a holiday or hobby happening nearby while you’re on your staycation.

Attend a Local Sporting Event
Minor and major league sports contribute greatly not only to the local economy, but also to the local culture and list of attractions. A stayvacation is a great time to support your local team while digging into some delicious and sometimes crazy stadium food.

Check Out Local Library Events
Libraries aren’t just for books. Throughout the year, many libraries will host free events on the weekends and often every day during the local school district’s spring and summer vacations. This can include reading clubs, arts and crafts workshops, games, and visits from authors, museum curators, and even animal experts. If you feel like spending the day at the library, just make sure the snacks you bring are quiet enough, as other people are still reading or studying.

Check Out Local Museums
There are fantastic museums in every state, as well as some truly strange ones. Take the time out to explore the local treasures near your home and perhaps learn something new about the world or about your town.

Check Out the Local Theater
You don't have to go to Broadway to support the arts discover the amazing local talent your community has to offer. Check the calendar of the local theater and buy tickets to a wonderful play.

Eat at the Top Local Restaurants
When visiting other cities, one often makes the effort to visit the top restaurants recommended to a tourist. While in your own city, why not do the same? There are likely many amazing eateries in your state that you have yet to discover.

One of the top things to try this year, geocaching is an affordable way to have fun anywhere and a great place to get to know the great outdoors of where you live. All you need to do is sign up for a membership with a geocaching website and buy a GPS device before you can start tracking down containers hidden in specific locations. It’s a treasure hunt that’s great for all ages.

Get Creative in the Kitchen
A staycation is the perfect excuse to work on your cooking skills! If you don’t feel like splurging on the local restaurant fare, go nuts in the kitchen making your favorite home-cooked meals or even by having breakfast for dinner.

Go to a Local or Nearby National Park
Another way of exploring the great outdoors of your area is by visiting the park. You can go to a smaller, local one for barbecuing, hiking, biking, or a pick-up game, or if you live near an amazing national park, you can take the chance to explore some of America’s greatest natural wonders and maybe have an epic picnic there.

Go to a Local Zoo or Aquarium
Get to know the furry and four-legged members of your community, along with the birds, reptiles, and fish that may be residing at a nearby zoo or aquarium. It’s a great way to educate yourself on the natural world, and even remind yourself of the dangers of climate change, while having fun at the same time.

Have a Family Game Night
Bond as a family over cards or some amazing board games. Exercise your brains with a game of Pictionary or Trivial Pursuit or share your sense of humor with Apples to Apples or (if everyone’s a bit older) Cards Against Humanity. If you want to get competitive, we suggest a game of Uno or Jenga — just stay away from the Monopoly board unless you want a family feud.

Have a Movie Night
Pop up some popcorn and settle in for a night at the movies without the exorbitant ticket and snack stand prices. Catch up on the movies you’ve missed, watch an old classic, or have a night-long marathon.

Sleep In
The best part of a staycation is sleeping in your own bed — so make the most of it. The most important part of a vacation is that you get some much-needed rest, so sleep in and have a late, easy breakfast courtesy of your Instant Pot.

Emulate one of the most relaxing aspects of a vacation overseas and go off-the-grid. Set an away message on your email, turn off your cell phone as if you were overseas without service, and refrain from checking social media. You’ll be amazed at how stress-reducing this can be, and you’ll be able to enjoy your staycation even more as a result.

Visit a Nearby Amusement Park
There’s more to amusement parks than just Disney World. There are over 400 amusement parks in the U.S., and there’s a really good chance there’s one within driving distance of your home. Spend the day discovering thrilling rides and fun games right in your backyard.

Visit Your Local Landmarks
Some of the most famous landmarks are often hated by locals, but perhaps they’d come to appreciate them if they learned to look at them through the eyes of a tourist. Go on a drive to see the landmarks in your area, learning about your city or state’s culture and history along the way. If sight-seeing is definitely your thing, you should also consider checking out these European landmarks for a time when you decide to leave home on vacation.

Article Source: https://www.thedailymeal.com/travel/ways-to-make-a-staycation-awesome-gallery
Image Source: https://www.thedailymeal.com/sites/default/files/styles/hero_image_breakpoints_theme_tdmr_lg_1x/public/2018/03/09/Unplug_0.jpg?itok=y-zPhXTP×tamp=1520640839

1. Endure (v.) ~ suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently
2. Foolproof (adj.) ~ incapable of going wrong or being misused
3. Wacky (adj./ informal) ~ funny or amusing in a slightly odd or peculiar way
4. Emulate (v.) ~ match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation
5. Refrain (v.) ~ stop oneself from doing something
6. Thrilling (adj.) ~ to experience a feeling of excitement and pleasure

1. What is staycation? What do you think are the advantages of this kind of vacation?
2. If you suddenly had two days off, how would you spend it? Would you rather stay home or go for a short trip? Discuss your answer.
3. What kind of activities do you do at home and the surrounding areas?
