제목   |  [Lifestyle] 4 Benefits and 4 Drawbacks of Using Home Delivery Service 작성일   |  2018-03-20 조회수   |  2782

4 Benefits and 4 Drawbacks of Using Home Delivery Service 





Grocery shopping can turn out to be real time killing affair. Starting from making list, then travelling to and from the store, browsing through the different items at the store is not something that is liked and preferred by many. This is especially applicable for people who are too busy. In order to save time the users from different countries are availing the service of online grocery shopping.

But prior to the filling of the virtual cart, the different advantages and disadvantages needs to be considered. With the consideration of the pros and cons it will be easy to judge the service.

1.Time saver
In the hustle and bustle of the present life people barely finds time to spend quality time with family. Under such condition it is very difficult to walk down to the grocery store and doing the shopping is not what everyone would like. But with the online shopping option, people can do the grocery shopping sitting right at home and spending time with family. People might even browse the contents and order on the way home from daily work. This helps to save a lot of time. It is not just time that is saved. With the use of the online shopping people might in turn save the nature as well. The trip to the stores involves burning of fuels that in turn harms the nature. But with online shopping the individual journey of people will be saved as a single person will be able to deliver multiple orders on a single trip

2. Reduces non-essential expenditure
Grocery stores are designed in such a way as to maximize the impulse buy. It has been seen that the cost of grocery items are greatly increased during the final moments or the peak period. In order to get exploited by this system, people can avail the online purchase method in order to reduce the hike in price in the last moments.

3. Easy access of online specials
It is not possible to compare in the different items in a shop. But in case of online shopping the shoppers will be able to compare the different items depending upon the price and features of the different items.

4. Coupon convenience
With the online shopping service, people will be able to avail the coupon services in order to gain discounts on different products. With the selection of the proper coupons, users will be able to save more money than it is imaginable.

Every coin has two sides and so is the case with home delivery as well. These are few drawbacks home delivery comes with:

1. Price
At the time of doing online shopping, the premium price has to be paid. In exchange for the legwork that is saved, one has to pay for it. Moreover in case of surplus sales the offline stores let out special deals in order to clear the stocks. But in case of online shopping such sales are rare. So it is people might miss the special offers that are available in the offline stores.

2. Select your own stuff
When shopping online the shoppers doesn’t have the option to select the freshest of stuff available in the lot. They are forced to accept whatever the store provides them. Moreover the online shopper doesn’t have the option to select from a wide variety of items.

3. Delivery can be challenging
One has to be present at the time of delivery. In case the shopper is absent at the time of delivery, his orders might get spoilt due to being left on the front door.

4. Cannot get everything that is demanded
Sometimes a shopper might not get everything that he is wishing due to the store running out of stock. There is also the possibility of receiving items that were not even ordered. The items received might also be in a spoilt condition when received.

Conclusion- there is a price that has to be paid for the different services that are available. If someone is fine with that then online shopping is definitely a good option.

Article Source: http://www.abaxsoft.com/blog/4-benefits-and-4-drawbacks-of-using-home-delivery-service/
Image Source: https://www.apsfulfillment.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/APS_28-300x200.jpg

1. Drawback (n.) ~ a feature that renders something less acceptable a disadvantage or problem
2. Avail (v.) ~ use or take advantage of (an opportunity or available resource)
3. Impulse (n.) ~ a sudden strong and unreflective urge or desire to act
4. Surplus (adj.) ~ an amount of something left over when requirements have been met an excess of production or supply over demand
5. Spoilt (adj.) ~ (of food) become unfit for eating

1. What kind of delivery services are available in your area? How often do you avail of them?
2. What are the pros and cons of these home delivery services?
3. Which shopping method do you prefer, online or offline? Discuss your reasons.  
