제목   |  [Social] 12 More Questions to Instantly Upgrade Your Small Talk Skills 작성일   |  2017-06-27 조회수   |  2720

12 More Questions to Instantly Upgrade Your Small Talk Skills 





For some folks, small talk comes naturally. Others, like me, find it excruciating in all but the smallest doses. For the chit chat challenged, one way to make small talk more bearable is to arm yourself ahead of time with less boring conversation openers.

While yet another mind-numbing exchange about the weather or the local sport team is an agonizing prospect, a clever, unexpected query can throw people off their prepared scripts and turn a dull event into an occasion for actual human connection.

That's why I'm always on the lookout for good starter questions, and it seems the internet is on a roll recently. Last week I discovered a massive list of upgrades to the standard "What do you do?" question from author Chelsea Rustrum. This week I came across another list of more appealing get-to-know-you questions from Gentleman's Gazette.

The complete post offers general rules to improve your small talk skills (like, avoid yes/no questions and be willing to simply walk away from reluctant conversation partners), as well as lists of "starter questions" to get a discussion started and deeper questions to move it into more meaningful territory once you're warmed up. Here are some of the best to add to your personal store of small talk sweeteners:

What gets you fired up? This one is good for beginners as it "is highly open-ended, and therefore a little bit less intimidating to ask," says the post.

What do you say more often in life: yes or no?

What would you tell your teenage self if you could go back in time? "This question requires more vulnerability than most, so it helps to have thought through your own response," cautions the post.

What do you wish was different about modern parenting? Be warned, if you're in a group of parents, opinions could get heated.

What have you created that you are most proud of? Everyone will enjoy answering this one. Who isn't happy to toot their own horn when asked?

What chance encounter changed your life forever? A great way to nudge someone to tell a life story.

What is one thing you're glad you tried but would never do again?

Who's your go to band or artist when you can't decide on something to listen to?

Where is the most interesting place you've been?

What social customs do you wish would just disappear? My vote goes to the entire concept of the bikini wax. Yours?

What quirky things do people do where you are from? Every place has its local oddities. Plus, you might just learn an insider secret about some corner of the world.

What question do you always want to ask people but don't have the courage to ask? This one is definitely not for the timid, but it one can "open the door to discussing taboo but interesting topics" if you think the conversation has reached that stage.

Article Source: http://inc-asean.com/grow/12-questions-instantly-upgrade-small-talk-skills/?utm_source=trendemon&utm_medium=content&utm_campaign=flow
Image Source: https://www.smalltalkprofessional.com/images/stpro/discussion_small.jpg

1. Excruciating (adj.) ~ mentally agonizing very embarrassing, awkward, or tedious
2. Mind-numbing (adj.) ~ so extreme or intense as to prevent normal thought
3. Query (v.) ~ ask a question about something, especially in order to express one's doubts about it or to check its validity or accuracy
4. Nudge (v.) ~ prod (someone) gently, typically with one's elbow, in order to draw their attention to something
5. Quirky (adj.) ~ characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits
6. Oddity (n.) ~ a strange or peculiar person, thing, or trait
7. Timid (adj.) ~ showing a lack of courage or confidence easily frightened
8. Taboo (adj.) ~ prohibited or restricted by social custom

1. What do you think is the most difficult part of having small talk?
2. Let's answer some of the questions given above.
3. What kind of questions would you ask someone who is hesistant to talk? 
