제목   |  [Life] 5 Signs you are Maturing as a Person 작성일   |  2017-05-25 조회수   |  2958

5 Signs you are Maturing as a Person 





Life is a journey. Each year throws us new curve-balls, and as individuals, we have the choice either to dwell on negative events or use them as opportunities to grow.  If you, dear reader, are feeling stuck at this particular moment in your life - I encourage you to read these signs and draw any truth from them as evidence of self-maturation.

1) You are checking your anger
Past you would explode at any infraction. Your sister-in-law throws a snide remark about your low-paying job? Past you already snapped back with a clever retort about her mullet-like haircut. New you has a calm smile, an inkling of empathy for her bitterness, and has already walked away from her negative energy.

2) You are practicing gratitude
Let's face it, as teenagers a lot of us could say we felt entitled. How dare our dad not spare us that $50 to get a new video game? How dare our mom refuse to drive us to that concert?

As an individual who's going through personal growth, you start to appreciate the little things more. You start to notice the beauty in other people's actions. The seedling of warmth you feel when your husband takes out the trash or  when your girlfriend cleans up your apartment's kitchen is indication you are not taking other people for granted.

3) You are not letting your fear control you
Feeling the jitters before a job interview or even a social gathering is familiar to a lot of us. Some people dwell on their failures and let those failures define their actions for the rest of their lives. A person who welcomes maturity also welcomes the fact they won't always do things perfectly at first.

You probably will say something awkward to that girl you've been wanting to speak to for months, but hey, maybe she noticed your awesome sense of style instead of your blabbering.  Tuning down your personal commentary and just experiencing life fully for what it is shows inner strength.

4) You are okay with being alone
Being surrounded by people is great. You can bounce ideas off each other, laugh at something Jenny said last week or engage in fun group activities. Being comfortable by yourself isn't something that comes as easily to people.

When you're sitting alone by yourself in a restaurant, a barrage of thoughts might occur to you about how other people are viewing you: "That happy couple over there probably think I'm a friendless loser" "This waitress doesn't care about one person sitting alone" "I am so pathetic here by myself."

A matured person does not allow the views of others to affect his or her enjoyment at any particular time. He or she accepts that other people will always have their judgments, and those judgments are not within control.

5) You are constantly looking to improve
Stagnant people believe their way of doing things is the right way. The matured individual will look at things from all angles, consider other perspectives, and acknowledge that they could be wrong. Instead of looking to others for affirmation, the growing individual knows their sense of 'self' will only by satisfied by accepting fluidity. He or she acknowledges the ego but is not ruled by it.

Article Source: https://niume.com/post/59995
Image Source: http://www.better-ed.org/sites/default/files/Seedlings.JPG

Breach or violation
causing or evoking pity, sympathetic sadness, sorrow, etc. pitiful pitiable:
3. EGO
the “I” or self of any person a person as thinking, feeling, and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought.
an overwhelming quantity or explosion, as of words, blows, or criticisms
to reveal indiscreetly and thoughtlessly


1. What is maturity?
2. Maturity doesn’t come with age. Do you agree or disagree.
3. What are the signs of maturity?
