제목   |  [The World] 25 Craziest Laws Ever 작성일   |  2017-04-21 조회수   |  2571

25 Craziest Laws Ever 





There are a lot of supposedly “crazy” laws out there but unfortunately many of these cannot be verified or have been proven to be nothing more than old wives tales. Well, our team here at List25 was curious (as usual) to discover the craziest verifiable laws on the books. Everything from restrictions on reincarnation to absurd traffic fines, after scouring the world we proudly present you with the 25 craziest laws we could find.


It is Illegal to Wear a Bullet Proof Vest While Committing Murder in NJ 

For those of you planning violent crimes in New Jersey, according to New Jersey statute 2C:39-13, a person has committed a crime if “he uses or wears a body vest while engaged in the commission of, or an attempt to commit, or flight after committing or attempting to commit murder, manslaughter, robbery, sexual assault, burglary, kidnapping, criminal escape or assault.” In other words, the vest could bump your offense from third to second degree.

In Finland Traffic Fines are Calculated as a Percentage of the Offenders Income

In January 2002, Anssi Vanjoki, 44, a director of the Finnish telecommunications giant, Nokia, received what is believed to be the most expensive speeding ticket ever— $12.5 million — for driving his Harley at 75 km/h (47 mph) in a 50km/h (31 mph) zone. Mr Vanjoki appealed the fine because his reported income dropped significantly about five days after the incident because of the new data, the fine was dropped to $103,600, still the most expensive speeding fine in history.

The Canadian Currency Act

In Canada, the Currency Act of 1985 prohibits consumers from using unreasonable amounts of coins to pay for purchases. This means you can’t pay for an item in all coins (especially if it’s over $10). Even the use of dollar-coins is limited. The shop owner has the right to choose whether or not he wants to take your coins but doesn’t have to.

Yellow Margarine is Illegal in Missouri

A 19th century law in Missouri banning the sale of yellow margarine has somehow managed to survive more than a century on the books. Agriculture Department spokeswoman Misti Preston said it was most likely passed to protect the dairy industry, which was a key business for the state back in the early 20th century. Although there are no records of anyone being prosecuted in the last 100 years, if the law were to be enforced offenders could spend up to half a year in jail.

Whatever You Do…Don’t Litter in Singapore

A litter law dating from 1968 is the country’s way of keeping clean. Disregard the law by dropping trash on the ground in this Southeast Asian city and you’ll pay $1,000. On top of that you’ll also be forced to do some community labor. And if you do it three times, you’ll have to wear an “I am a litter bug” sign.

No Sagging Pants in Michigan

In 2008, Flint Chief of Police David Dicks made headlines when he ordered his department to arrest anybody wearing “saggy pants”. Other cities like Riviera Beach, Fla., have tried to enforce similar laws only to have them declared unconstitutional by state courts. The law is still in effect in Flint, however, with the Digital Journal reporting that offenders could face up to a year’s worth of jail time.

It is Illegal to Die in the Houses of Parliament

Since Parliament is a Royal Palace, according to Nigel Cawthorne, author of The Strange Laws of Old England, “Anyone who dies there is technically entitled to a state funeral. If they see you looking a bit sick they carry you out quickly.”

No Public Displays of Sickness in Washington

According to statute RCW 70.54.050:”Every person who shall willfully expose himself to another, or any animal affected with any contagious or infectious disease, in any public place or thoroughfare, except upon his or its necessary removal in a manner not dangerous to the public health and every person so affected who shall expose any other person thereto without his knowledge, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.”Laws such as this are generally upheld by court system, but the strange thing about this one in particular is that it doesn’t distinguish between some crazy disease like SARS and a simple case of the sniffles. You could be found guilty of a misdemeanor for not informing your co-workers that you have been inflicted by the common cold or even for willfully “exposing” yourself to a sick person.

Royal Prerogative 1324 (The Head of any Dead Whale Found on the British Coast Automatically Becomes the Property of the King, and the Tail of the Queen)


The Royal Prerogative 1324 decrees that any whale or sturgeon found on the British coast belongs to the monarch. The law is very much still in place, as fisherman Robert Davies found out in 2004 when he was investigated by police in Plymouth. He had faxed the Royal Household to tell them he had caught a sturgeon, and although he was told to keep it, he did not realize it was still illegal to try and sell it. No charges were brought.

Its Illegal to Wrestle Bears in Alabama

According to Sports Illustrated, bear wrestling used to be quite a popular hobby in the United States particularly in places like Alabama, where in 2006 a law was issued to prevent bear exploitation, or more specifically, to stop bear wrestling. Alabama Code Section 13A-12-5 that determines unlawful bear exploitation is when a person knowingly “promotes, engages in, or is employed at a bear match,” if he or she receives money for bear wrestling and if he or she “sells, purchases, possesses or trains a bear for bear wrestling.”

No Chewing Gum in Singapore

Singapore prohibited the sale of gum after authorities noticed a prolific amount of chewed gum being stuck in subway stations and on cars. As weird as it may sound, Singapore allows you to actually chew gum – just make sure you stick it in the trash can, otherwise great fines apply.

While in Denmark, Leave Your Lights On

Drivers in Denmark are supposed to drive vehicles with their headlights on. You’d think this law would apply to night driving but it doesn’t. It is considered essential during the day as well or they may face a fine of up to $100. Studies have shown that this has helped a lot to avoid road accidents in Denmark.

You Are Not Allow to Bring Your Pet to the Beauty Salon In Alaska

Given the fact that Juneau is such a busy port town, with thousands of tourists visiting every year, it’s no surprise that there are laws to keep some of Alaska’s more native inhabitants at a distance…
The full text of Juneau’s Municipal Code of Ordinances section 36.25.010 outlines: “No owner of any animal or person having control of any animal shall allow such animal to enter upon any public premises where food or human consumption is sold, processed stored or consumed or to enter into any barber shops or establishments for the practice of hairdressing or beauty culture.

In Britain it is Illegal to Consume Mince Pie on Christmas

In Britain, it is illegal to consume a mince pie on Christmas Day. It is one of the odd old laws on the statute book, although rarely enforced by even the keenest police officer. It was brought to existence by Oliver Cromwell, self proclaimed Lord Protector of England.

Fake Cocaine is Illegal in Arizona

While most states have laws restricting drug use, Arizona takes it a step further by restricting their imaginary counterparts as well. According to statute 13-3453 it is unlawful for anyone to “manufacture, distribute or possess with intent to distribute an imitation controlled substance.” It’s also illegal to make and/or sell fake prescriptions and over-the-counter medication. Statute 13-3461 ensures that placebo drugs are exempt from this rule, assuming you’re a medical practitioner or a pharmacist or pharmacy employee “acting in the course of their professional practice, in good faith and in accordance with generally accepted medical standards.”

In France it is Illegal for Women to Wear Pants

In France it is still against the law for women to wear pants. The law has allegedly been on the books since 1800. It was amended several times: once in 1892 to allow women to sport trousers while riding horses and again in 1909 to permit the ladies to wear pants while on bicycles.

Nose Picking was Illegal on the Sabbath?

On January 10, 1998, the Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot reported that ultra-conservative rabbi Ovadia Yosef had ruled that Jewish religious law forbade nose-picking on the Sabbath because tiny hairs inside the nostrils might also be pulled out. But a viewing of a videotape of the event confirmed that Yosef had in fact ruled in favor of nose-picking, even on the Sabbath.

It is Illegal to Dye Chicken in Ohio

According to Akron- Ohio Act 925.62, No person, firm, or corporation shall dye or otherwise color any rabbit or baby poultry, including, but not limited to, chicks and ducklings. No person, firm, or corporation shall sell, offer for sale, expose for sale, raffle, or give away any rabbit or baby poultry which has been dyed or otherwise colored.

In Zimbabwe it is Illegal to Swear at the President

When President of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe had had enough of the offensive gestures directed at his motorcade by Zimbabweans disenchanted with him and the economic situation in their country, he announced an amendment to the Road Traffic Regulations that made it an offense to swear or gesture “within the view or hearing of the state motorcade with the intention of insulting any person traveling with an escort or any member of the escort.” The law, however, does not define which gestures are to be avoided, and people have since been arrested for waving. Most people being passed by state motorcades now carefully keep their hands at their sides.

No Kissing in Dubai

The United Arab Emirates is one of those countries where westerners may have a hard time acclimating, at least in part because of a slightly different rulebook. As two young Brits discovered in 2010, public displays of affection between a man and women will land you in front of a judge. Charlotte Adams, 25, and Ayman Najafi, 24, were on holiday there when they were spotted kissing . The pair were given a one-month jail sentence after being convicted of indecency and illegal drinking.

Imprisonment for “Dangerousness” in Cuba

Articles 72-90 of the Cuban Penal Code define the crime of peligrosidad, or “dangerousness.” These articles come under the heading, “The Dangerous Status and Security Measures,” a section of the Penal Code under which someone can be sentenced for up to four years in prison on the grounds that the authorities believe the individual has a “special proclivity” to commit crimes, even though he or she might not have actually committed a crime.

In Saudi Arabia Females Are Not Allowed to Drive

Saudi Arabia is the only country that bans women from driving. The prohibition forces families to hire live-in drivers, and those who cannot afford the $300 to $400 a month for a driver must rely on male relatives to drive them to work, school, shopping or the doctor.

Indians Get Jail Time for Cheating

Convicted exam cheats in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh could spend up to 10 years in jail according to a law passed in 1997 to prevent “unfair practices in academic examinations”.

The Chinese One Child Act

China’s one child policy was established by Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping in 1979 to limit communist China’s population growth. 35.9% of China’s population is currently subject to the one-child restriction. The government believes it has helped to alleviate social, economic and environmental problems in China.

Tibetan Monks Need Permission to Reincarnate

In one of history’s most absurd acts of totalitarianism, China banned Buddhist monks in Tibet from reincarnating without government permission. According to a statement issued by the State Administration for Religious Affairs in 2007, the law, which strictly stipulates the procedures by which one is to reincarnate, is “an important move to institutionalize management of reincarnation.”


Article Source: http://list25.com/the-25-craziest-laws-ever/
Image Source: https://www.sonicstadium.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/wooden-judges-gavel-1024x678.jpg

1. Verifiable (adj.) ~ able to be checked or demonstrated to be true, accurate, or justified
2. Scour (v.) ~ to search through or over thoroughly
3. Entitled (adj.) ~ believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
4. Statute (n.) ~ a written law passed by a legislative body
5. Keen (adj.) ~ having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm
6. Forbid (v.) ~ order (someone) not to do something
7. Proclivity (n.) ~ natural or habitual inclination or tendency
8. Alleviate (v.) ~ make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe
9. Absurd (adj.) ~ wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate
10. Reincarnate (v.) ~ (as believed in some religions and philosophies) cause (someone) to undergo rebirth in another body

1. Which of the abovementioned laws do you find the most surprising? Which one do you think is the most absurd?
2. Which laws do you think should be voided? Why?
3. Are there some laws in your country that you think are crazy or outdated? Give some examples.
4. Which of the laws above would you recommend for your country? 
