제목   |  [Lifestyle] A Simple Self-Improvement Technique 작성일   |  2017-02-22 조회수   |  2636

A Simple Self-Improvement Technique 





Self-improvement can turn into an enjoyable, rewarding and empowering activity.

Look at the people around you, and watch how they behave:

If you find a trait of character or a certain behavior, which you do not like, examine yourself closely, and as impartially as possible, and find out whether you act or behave in the same way.

If you do, think how you would like to behave in a similar situation. Then, whenever you have the time, mentally rehearse of the new behavior. Visualize yourself in the same situation, but acting in the way you want to behave. 


Think often about the importance and advantages of a different, more positive behavior. Tell yourself over and again that you will remember to act differently, the next time you are in a situation that triggers the behavior patterns you want to change.

At the first attempts you will probably forget to act as desired, but keep visualizing and thinking about the new behavior patterns, and you will see how you gradually change.
Whenever you see people acting in a way that brings them positive results, analyze what they are doing, their body language, and the way they are talking and acting, and try to act and behave like them. If you keep doing so, you will soon start to see changes in yourself and in your life.

The advantage of this technique is that you can use it everywhere, anytime, without any prior preparations. Furthermore, this can turn into a pleasurable game. You can use this technique while waiting for someone or something, while sitting on a bench in a park, or while traveling in a bus or train. You can use your time more advantageously, instead of just letting the time pass by. 


Two Examples of the Self-Improvement Technique:

1) Watch the behavior of someone, who is angry. Watch his body language and the tone of his voice, and see how people avoid him because of his behavior.

Now, look into yourself with an unbiased eye, and find out if you are guilty of the same kind of behavior. If you are not, those are great, but if you are, think about the consequences of this behavior. Think about the advantages of acting differently, and how a calm and happy attitude can change your life and how people treat you.

The next step is to visualize yourself in circumstances that trigger the kind of behavior you wish to avoid, and to see yourself acting in a new and positive manner.
Rehearse in your mind, in detail, how you would like to act, so that when you are in this situation, your subconscious mind will guide you to act as you visualized. Mentally rehearsing the new behavior, will remind you to act so in real life, and would also motivate and direct you to act accordingly.

2) Watch people who behave calmly and peacefully. For example, you enter a shop and ask the saleswoman a few questions. She is patient and calm, and answers all of your questions politely and with a smile. Her behavior makes you feel good, and to like her, and therefore, you will probably buy something from her.

Analyze the behavior of the saleswoman, and see what you can do to emulate her. Tell yourself over and again that you too, are going to behave politely and patiently.
Visualize yourself in various situations that usually make you angry and impatient, and ask yourself why you behave in that way. Then, start visualizing yourself acting and talking in a calm, polite and patient manner in your day-to-day life.

It is important to understand that thinking and visualizing just once is not enough. You need to do so over and over again every day, even several times a day, until you see results.

The above two examples illustrate how to make use of this self-improvement technique. The examples are only guidelines on how to use the technique. 


Article Source: http://www.successconsciousness.com/self_improvement_technique.htm
Image Source: https://selfhelpfix.com/resources/ea33b90829fd1c2ad65a5854ef4f4291e476ffd41db9154296f8c379a3_640.jpg.opt794x595o0%2C0s794x595.jpg 


Trait (n) - a distinguishing characteristic or quality, especially of one's personal nature
Visualize (v) - to recall or form mental images or pictures
Triggers (v) - to initiate or precipitate
Rehearse (v) - to practice
Various (adj) - of different kinds, as two or more things differing one from another


1.    What do you think are the negative and positive qualities that you have?
2.    In your own opinion, how can you improve yourself?
3.    What are the difficulties you may encounter in your quest for self-improvement?
4.    According to the article, what are the two examples of the self-improvement technique?
5.    Can you apply these techniques to yourself? Do you think it is worth doing? Why do you think so? 
