제목   |  [Travel] 9 Things about America That Confuse International Visitors 작성일   |  2016-10-21 조회수   |  2931

9 Things about America That Confuse International Visitors 






Every country in the world has its own unique customs and culture. And according to some visitors, American culture is a bit bigger, louder and more, um, deep-fried than most.

Reddit user adsacc509 posed the following question to travelers: “People who have visited the U.S., what is your ‘WTF America’ story?” Their answers will make you giggle... and change the way you see bathroom stalls forever.

1. Our giant meal portions.
“The food! Me and my sister would occasionally share meals because there was so much of it. And there’d still be loads left behind!” -DisneyBounder

2. Our giant cars.
“My boss visited the U.S. recently on a business trip. He kept sending me photos [and] videos of how huge your trucks are.” -bertonomus

3. The endless supply of food at sports games.
“Going to an NHL game seemed like I was at an eating event.” -MrPotatoPenguin

4. The way we assume everyone else had to learn English.
“’Keep up the good work on that English!’ I’m from Scotland.” -Fatherchristmassdad

5. The way we pair sugar with EVERYTHING.
“Near the end of a vacation to the U.S., I was feeling a bit guilty from eating so unhealthy. I ordered a salad at a restaurant, and it came with complimentary ice cream. You cannot win against America.” -esker9

6. Drive-up ATMs.
“They have bank drive-throughs. They go to the bank like they go to McDonald’s.” -pacman1993

7. State fair food.
“Deep-fried butter. Really, Iowa?” -BoboAUT

8. The little gap in the door in public bathroom stalls.
“You put a man on the moon almost 50 years ago, yet you haven’t come up with a way to make toilet doors without gaps in them.” -Baconlightning

9. Tipping.
“Absolutely despise it.” -JustAnotherNerd1988 


Article Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/strange-things-about-america_us_5807ae39e4b0180a36e81de2
Image Source: http://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/crop_11_505_5749_3291,scalefit_630_noupscale/5807b8731b00008027ef81ed.jpeg?cache=hdlffopmcx 


1. Giggle (v.) ~ laugh lightly in a nervous, affected, or silly manner
2. Loads of (idiom) ~ much or many things
3. Complimentary (adj.) ~ given or supplied free of charge
4. Despise (v.) ~ feel contempt or a deep repugnance for 


1. Have you ever been to the US? Which of the thing you noticed surprised you and/or you find weird?
2. Among the countries that you have been to, what are the things that you have observed that you think are unique in that country? Give some examples.
3. What are the Korean behaviors that you think foreigners would find surprising? 
