제목   |  [Psychology] The Only 5 Relationships That Matter in Life 작성일   |  2015-11-20 조회수   |  3849


The Only 5 Relationships That Matter in Life 





Without proper relationships, people can't ever reach their real potential.

A relationship is defined as a connection, association, or involvement. Depending on our relationships, we can either create or destroy anything that we want.
More particularly, our relationships must be controlled. If we cannot control these relationships, we lose all balance in our lives.

There are only five relationships that matter the most. Your relationship with objects, others, family, self, and spirit are the most important ones that you can cultivate.
If you don't work on grasping any of these relationships, you will suffer the consequences because of your ignorance of them.

I've worked diligently to share with you the truth behind these meaningful relationships. I've actually put them in order, starting with the least important to the most important. Here they are:

5. Relationship with Objects
Have you ever heard people say, "Just slap that computer and it will work?" That's a pure sign of ignorance to objects. If you think that slapping a computer to make it work will do the trick, you'll continue to be deluded from the reality.

Conversely, if you do think your material goods matter, then you will treat them with respect. For example, consider a person who litters relentlessly in public versus one who doesn't. The person who dumps trash everywhere will never be at peace (and won't know why).

The person who goes the extra mile to drop litter into the trash will have a peace of mind that will allow him to do more in his life. If you respect everything around you and take care of your belongings, you'll find that more will come your way. 

4. Relationship with Others
The ways you think, feel, and act toward others are determining factors to your success. If you harbor emotions of envy, revenge, anger, greed, or hate, you'll never get your way. You'll always be looking for ways to hurt your fellow human beings.

However, emotions of joy, faith, hope, and love can dynamically shift your results in your life. The most reliable and confident people in the world always find ways to encourage others and spread their love, even in the most minimal ways.

The level of your love (or hate) can be felt by others. When you walk into a room, most people know what you're about. They can feel your energy and immediately know how to respond, whether it is consciously or unconsciously.

3. Relationships with Family
You might be asking why I separated the relationship with "others" and "family" or even why I've ranked "family" more important than others. It's simple. If you don't have a good relationship with your family, you can't have it with others.

It's a well-known fact that some people in your family will love you and some will hate you. You don't have to like all of your family members, but you do have to send positive emotions toward them. You don't even have to deal with them directly, but you must be determined to send love their way.

All families have challenges, but you should never write off your family. If there is a close family member who is struggling, then this is your chance to practice your patience and hope with them. Even if it is an inconvenience, never give up on them.

2. Relationship with Self
You can only respect family, others, or things if you can control the relationship with yourself. If you can believe in yourself, you'll find that everyone else will believe in you. You are your best friend and your worst enemy.

Every day, there is a constant battle within us which urges us to make many choices. If our positive choices outweigh our negative choices, our chances for success increase. In short, you are the sum total of all the choices you've made up until this point.

You are your choices. You can choose this day to be successful or you can choose to fail. Your attitude will dictate where you will be directed. No one can control this, except you. The person who takes the most responsibility of their choices will win in life.

1. Relationship with Spirit
Whether you believe in God or universal laws which govern the heavens and earth, your relationship with the Spirit allows you to do far more than what you are capable of. In fact, the more you let the Spirit control you, the more you can be leveraged by the universe.

Many people do not realize that they are spiritual bodies. They fail to achieve success in their lives because they only cater to their physical world. For example, if they get emotionally hurt, they resort to overeating or drugs instead of addressing the problem (i.e. guilt, remorse, unforgiveness, etc).

Everything we do in the spiritual world has consequences. If you want to have a spiritual experience, you don't have to try that hard. There is one way to do it, but you'll have to have an open mind. You must be willing to give yourself up to a power that is greater than you. There is no greater peace than spiritual peace. Nothing can take it away from you.

No matter who you are or what you do, these five relationships will make you or break you. When you focus on developing them every day, you will become an unstoppable force for the rest of your life.  

Article Source: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/251259
Image source: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTZHoaHAwHM0OAeW5v0TQKya6KdF4_luq4LNH12EfflkE3vBgAd

1. Grasp (v.) ~ seize and hold firmly
2. Delude (v.) ~ impose a misleading belief upon
3. Harbor (v.) ~ keep (a thought or feeling, typically a negative one) in one's mind, especially secretly
4. Write off (v.) ~ a worthless or ineffectual person or thing
5. Leverage (v.) ~ To use so as to obtain an advantage or profit
6. Consequence (v.) ~ a result or effect of an action or condition

1. What are the five kinds of relationship mentioned in the article? Briefly discuss each.
2. The different kinds of relationship according to their importance for the writer. Would the order change if you would rank it according to their importance in your life? Explain the changes that you will do and the reasons for them.
3. Do you think you are successful in managing all kinds of relationship in your life? How do you manage them?

