제목   |  [Health] 5 Ways To Be A Morning Person 작성일   |  2015-04-30 조회수   |  3207


5 Ways To Be A Morning Person 



For night owls, there are fewthings more grating than cheery morning people. Their fresh faces, bright eyes,and perky personalities make us want to hit the snooze button again andagain (and again). But, we have to admit we secretly envy their morning motivation,and for good reason. Research has shown a link between rising earlier and beinghealthier, happier, slimmer, and more proactive. Luckily, there is still hopefor those of us who dread the early wake-up call. Here, fivescience-backed tips to help you rise and shine.

Eat a B-vitamin-packed breakfast.

For a morning meal that will leave you feelingrefreshed, look for foods rich in B vitamins. “They help convert food intoenergy, giving us the boost we need in the morning,” says Lara Metz, aregistered dietitian at The Nutritious Life inNew York City. B vitamins are easy to find in whole grains, eggs, beans,fruits, veggies, lean meat, and poultry. “My favorite breakfast is one slice oftoasted Ezekiel bread with 1/4-1/2 an avocado and a sliced, hard-boiled egg,”says Metz. “The fat and protein found in the avocado and egg — in addition tothe various B vitamins — will give you long-lasting energy.”

Get a programmable coffee maker.

Another reason to love the scent of hot coffee inthe morning: Just a simple whiff could help you feel less sluggish. Thearoma of the popular caffeinated beverage appears to alter gene activity in thebrain, protecting nerve cells from the stress of sleep deprivation, animalresearch in Agricultural and Food Chemistry reveals. To reap theenergy-boosting benefits, program your coffee maker at night so you wake up tothe smell of a fresh pot. Not a java junkie? The effects occur by simply inhalingthe scent — no drinking required — so swing by your local coffee shop and takea deep breath.

Watch A funny YouTube clip.

Do you tend to start your mornings by sloggingthrough work emails and depressing news headlines? No wonder you want to crawlback under the covers. Instead, pull up your favorite comedy sketch orYouTube clip. People who are exposed to humor report feeling more energized,happier, and ready to take on more challenging activities, a study from theUniversity of Nebraska shows.Laughter also boosts oxygen intake and release feel-good endorphins in the brain that stimulate the body.

Let the light in.

Blackout shades may be great for catching ZZZs,but we need a little brightness in the morning to make us feel alert. “Lightactivates the brain’s arousal center, stimulating the body and signaling toyour internal clock that it’s time to get up,” says Christopher S. Colwell,PhD, a neuroscientist and psychiatry professor at UCLA Medical Center. If toomuch light pollution at night makes leaving your curtains open a nonstarter,consider setting your bedside lamp to a morning timer, or invest in alight-emitting alarm clock that’smade to simulate sunrise and help you wake up gradually. Even better: Stepoutside. “Going for a morning walk in the sunlight is probably the single mostbeneficial thing you can do to feel more awake in the morning,” says Dr.Colwell. Short on time? Sip your coffee outside or next to a sun-filled window.

Chew gum.

Showered and dressed, but still feel like you’resleepwalking? Chew a piece of gum. According to a study published in theJournal of Behavioral and Neuroscience Research, chewing gum can make you feelmore awake and less stressed. The simple act of chewing appears to boostalertness by increasing heart rate and blood flow to the brain, sayresearchers. Look for mint- or cinnamon-flavored varieties. Some evidence suggests the strong scents may have astimulating effect.


Article Source: http://www.refinery29.com/how-to-become-a-morning-person?utm_source=huffingtonpost.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=pubexchange#slide

Image Source: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSOee2ef9SKxzjAAPSTBr3reu4gizhnGqttvwupQ-YZk4mP5vf_



1. Night owl (idiom) ~ a person who is or prefers to be up andabout late at night  

2. Perky (adj.) ~ briskly cheerful  

3. Dread (v.) ~ to anticipate with alarm, distaste, or reluctance  

4. Whiff (v.) ~ to smell  

5. Slog (v.) ~ to walk or progress with a slow heavy pace  

6. Comedy sketch (n.) ~ comprises a series of short comedy scenes  



1. Doyou find it difficult to wake up in the morning? What do you usually do for youto be fully awake? 

2. Whatdo you think is the best way to start the day?  

3. Whendo you feel the most energetic?  

4. Doyou think that the work schedule of each person should depend on the person’s bodyclock? Discuss your answer.  


