제목   |  Seoul poised to seek revision of SOFA 작성일   |  2011-10-12 조회수   |  3467


Seoul poised to seek revision of SOFA


Civic activists shout slogans calling for the revision of the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) during a rally in front of the U.S. Embassy in central Seoul, Tuesday. / Korea Times photo by Shim Hyun-chul

By Park Si-soo

The government will look into ways to amend a Seoul-Washington agreement on the status of U.S. forces here in the wake of two alleged rapes perpetrated by American soldiers.

The move comes in response to various civic groups that are calling for a change in the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) so that the Korean legal system can take more control in dealing with U.S. troops involved in crimes.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MOFAT) will soon hold a meeting with the Ministry of Justice, police and other relevant bodies to discuss the matter,” Cho Byung-jae, a spokesman for MOFAT, told reporters Tuesday. “In the meeting, participants will study whether a change in the existing SOFA is needed. If deemed necessary, we will seek cooperation with the U.S. (to change it).”

The spokesman ruled out the possibility that the issue would be discussed during the upcoming summit between President Lee Myung-bak and U.S. President Barack Obama at the White House Thursday.

Activists staged a rally in front of the U.S. Embassy in downtown Seoul Tuesday, demanding an apology from Obama for the assaults and an amendment of the SOFA.

In a written complaint endorsed by 1,563 politicians, activists and citizens, they urged President Lee to seek a revision. “An increasing number of U.S. soldiers commit sexual crimes, while U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) has taken makeshift countermeasures to alleviate public anger,” the declaration said.

The complaint came after two USFK soldiers were accused of raping teenage girls in separate incidents in recent weeks.

One of the two suspects was indicted for sexually assaulting an 18-year-old in Dongducheon, Gyeonggi Province, on Sept. 24, while the other suspect is under investigation for allegedly raping a drunken teenage girl in her rented room in Seoul on Sept. 17.

Police said 1,455 U.S. soldiers committed crimes between 2007 and June this year, of which 30 were sexual crimes.

Upon apprehension, they were handed over to the U.S. Forces for initial interrogation in accordance with SOFA. After being indicted, they will be handed over to Korean officials. Those charged with 12 crimes, including homicide, rape and drug trafficking, are tried by Korean courts under the existing SOFA.

The USFK moved quickly to ease public outrage to prevent it growing into a nationwide anti-American campaign of the type last seen in 2002. The death of two Korean children in July 2002 after being hit by a U.S. armored vehicle triggered violent protests against the USFK, risking Seoul-Washington ties.

U.S. Army Brig. Gen. David Conboy apologized Saturday for the “pain” caused by the two incidents. The top U.S. diplomat for East Asia Kurt Campbell also apologized Friday for what he called a “tragic and inexcusable rape.”

The USFK announced a one-month curfew on its personnel nationwide starting Friday. From midnight to 5:00 a.m., all USFK service members will be prohibited from leaving their camps during weekdays while the curfew is effective between 3:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. on weekends, the USFK said in a statement.

“Given the incidents that have occurred over the last several months, I’m reinstating the curfew to assess current conditions, mission requirements, and potential force protection concerns,” Gen. James D. Thurman, commander of the USFK, said in a press release. The U.S. has 28,500 troops stationed in South Korea.


‘SOFA 개정하라’

최근 주한미군의 잇따른 성범죄와 관련해 한미 양국은 우리 수사당국의 미군 범죄 초동 수사를 강화하는 방안을 집중 검토할 것으로 10일 알려졌다. 양국은 이를 위해 내달 중 한미 주둔군지위협정(SOFA) 합동위원회를 열기로 했으며, 이와 별도로 SOFA 산하 형사분과위원회의 개최 여부도 협의 중이다.

외교부 관계자는 이날 "검경 등 수사 당국이 미군 범죄 수사와 기소 과정에서 불편한 사항들이 있는지 검토하고 있다"면서 "현행 SOFA의 문제점을 먼저 조사한 뒤 다음달쯤 SOFA 합동위를 개최해 SOFA 개정 가능성까지 포함한 전반적인 개선 방안을 협의할 것"이라고 말했다.

이 관계자는 또 "미군 측도 이번 사안의 심각성을 충분히 인지하고 있어 형사분과위 개최 등을 포함한 SOFA 운용 개선 논의에 적극 응할 것으로 안다"고 덧붙였다.

SOFA 제22조 5항에는 살인, 강간, 마약거래 등 12개 주요 범죄를 저지른 미군 피의자의 경우 경찰 초동 수사 단계가 아닌 검찰 기소 뒤에 미군으로부터 신병을 인도받을 수 있다고 규정돼 있다. 이중 현행범에 대해서만 한국 측이 구금권을 행사할 수 있기 때문에 현행범이 아닐 경우에는 한국이 초동 수사 단계에서 신병을 확보하기 어렵다는 지적이 제기돼왔다.

이에 따라 정부는 초동 수사 단계에서의 어려움을 집중 검토해 미국 측에 개선을 요구할 방침인 것으로 전해졌으며, SOFA 개정보다는 운영 방안 개선 쪽에 무게를 두고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.

이와 관련 정부 관계자는 "독일은 모든 사법 절차가 끝난 뒤 신병을 넘겨 받을 수 있지만 우리는 기소 단계에서 넘겨받는 데다 기소 전 경찰 수사 단계서도 소환 조사가 가능해 독일보다 한발 앞선 상황"이라며 "그래도 더 보완할 점이 없는지 검토 중"이라고 설명했다.

앞서 주한미군 제2사단 소속 K이병(21)은 지난달 24일 오전 4시께 술에 취해 동두천 시내 한 고시텔에 들어가 A양(18)을 성폭행한 혐의로 지난 6일 기소됐다.


